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App Chatter - Work flow tools

I’m not seeing the VLM parameters, I made my map while at the field on my Mac Pro and opted for the chrome extension. I will be home next week, and I’ll download the pc .xt copy

Thanks a bunch for the reply.
I'm on a Macbook & iMac too. Running Win10 in a VM.
I think you had the same issue as me. You're running Parallels or VMWare Fusion?
I had the same issue... could barely see it at first.... but it was due to resolution. Changed to 1920x1080 or less.. and it appears. Upper Left menu section.

That also means you're not able to set HP Altitude yet.. same dialog box, different tab.
I am attempting the accuracy by flying in the middle of structures, once I’m home and use my faithful MP for the flight experiment.
Not that it'll help passing low into center structure.... but I noticed after updating HP Altitude, real flights were more spot on mission altitudes. Prior it ranged 10-30 feet for my tests.
Good to know that you are able to fly lower. I was thinking of 40-50 feet.
LOL for clarification, so I don't get accused of being a wreckless flyer... I'm not routing at 10-30 feet off deck. I was meaning the variance was error of 10-30 feet. I'd use 90 and it might use 60 or set to 60 and it'd fly 50. Now with HP reference set to the Home Point's Lz attitude it's more spot on.
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hahahahaha... That is why you have so many drones that even your backup drones has a backup.
Yep... Parts is Parts!!
My S1000 is becoming a Johnny Cash special... 55, 56, 57,... 1 day at a time!!
I've decided to lower the alt. after reviewing everything on my flight path. and here's what I plan to do.

1) Go through coconut trees. LOL
2) Cross the Hwy (Don't worry, no one will be up in this side of the island at 5:30 am)
3) Climb up in a tripod speed effect and capture my house

I will be doing two flights, the other drone will capture the main drone.
Update on the Litchi VLM Program...
I've corresponded a bit with the Developer on Google Earth / Litchi Mission issues. During those discussions, he pointed out that VLM and Litchi HUB are exactly the same reguarding the Litchi HUB component. No need to use Litchi HUB, then open VLM. Litchi HUB is already running within VLM. He's basically wrapped Litchi HUB within his browser based program.

For those doing the 2-step at times... like myself, No need too.
In further discussions with VLM Developer, I expressed a how Google Earth was rather difficult to determine your placement of pin-waypoints. He basically shared the same opinion in that is was difficult depending your usage.

For those that are struggling to get your Pin-WP's placed more accurately, You're not alone.
I'm thinking it might be useful to use as an alignment tool with buildings or structure you want a certain camera angle. Create the VLM mission, move to GE and edit mission with visual perspective of targeted structure.
I've decided to lower the alt. after reviewing everything on my flight path. and here's what I plan to do.

1) Go through coconut trees. LOL
2) Cross the Hwy (Don't worry, no one will be up in this side of the island at 5:30 am)
3) Climb up in a tripod speed effect and capture my house

I will be doing two flights, the other drone will capture the main drone.
View attachment 1529View attachment 1530
Can i come live with you? Lol jk
This workflow is also called “Relative to ground”
Reading through thread for possible miss-communications, In typing hast or Phone screen, I often bumble a line that I later catch that needs correction.

Wanted to touch on a clarification:
The VLM Altitude adjustment sited in Post #7 is an adjustment correction between the two Google Interfaces: "Google Earth Elevation Matrix" and "Google API Interface" that passes GPS & Elevation data points via exporting a KML file; passing back to VLM program. To clarify, this isn't related to "Relative to Ground" (RTG), it's simply a mathematical correction for Google Elevation used in Litchi & VLM as Altitude, thus to prevent altitude error.

The "relative to ground" that Akoni is referring that he's enjoying is gaining access to Google Earth's Elevation Data and the ability to state multiple WP's (google pin points) as "X" feet above the ground, saving a KML file and Exporting to VLM & Litchi retaining the "Relative to Earth" data to create a Litchi mission "X" feet off the ground. This is close to Terrain Following, but via external point calculations vs internal matrix directly using GPS terrain elevation (Maps made Easy & UgCS).

Wanted to touch on this if later read as reference and caused confusion: 1) VLM "HP Altitude Reference" an Altitude mathematical adjustment, 2) Google Earth Elevation Data for RTG missions. Regardless if you utilize (2) RTG you'll want to make the (1) altitude adjustment to keep your craft accurate.

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