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Apps for Electronic Invoicing and Payments

Here in the Washington DC region, it's considered unprofessional, that if someone uses Paypal, they are perceived as being hobbyists, too small to deal with and not serious about being a business owner.

I can understand that to a point. I have helped a number of small businesses with the websites and I have found that having a financial transaction take place on PayPal rather than the small businesses website is more reassuring to strangers.

For example, I purchase stuff all over the internet as I'm sure many on here do. If it's a vendor that I've never heard of before I always select to pay using PayPal. If it's a vendor that is well known and/or I've used before, then it doesn't really make a difference to me. However, using PayPal I KNOW I have recourse if something goes wrong.

Anyway, not a big deal. Use what works for you. :)
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Here is what you need. Invoice To Go. It’s an app. It tracks everything. It lets you create an invoice.
The link is below
As to PayPal. For those of you using it and those who use it an never read the terms of service. PAY PAL can crawl back a payment from ANY client for ANY reason 90 days out. There is NO recourse. Pay Pal links to your bank account and call PULL a refund and time without notice that is a FACT
As to PayPal. For those of you using it and those who use it an never read the terms of service. PAY PAL can crawl back a payment from ANY client for ANY reason 90 days out. There is NO recourse. Pay Pal links to your bank account and call PULL a refund and time without notice that is a FACT

I suppose if you're concerned about this, then you could collect you money and close your bank account. I suspect most of us in here are offering a legitimate service and are not worried about PayPay having nefarious motives.

The fact that the buyer can recoup their $$ when a seller is less than honest or unresponsive is actually why I use it for purchases. Why would I expect any buyers of my services to expect any different?

I don't have any connection with PP, but buyer protection is an asset IHO.
Didn't see anyone mention Square? Sorry if you did.

I have tried PP and didn't like it. They held my transactions too long.

I have the Square swiper and also the Square electronic chip reader that takes Apple and Google pay.

The funds are put into my checking account usually within 2 days. I've also never had an issue and really like it.

Thanks, hope this helps.

P.S.: Also, I have a big client that I email the invoice and it gets paid online. So nothing simpler than that.... AND it syncs with my Quickbooks online too without me interacting, so that's nice.
As to PayPal. For those of you using it and those who use it an never read the terms of service. PAY PAL can crawl back a payment from ANY client for ANY reason 90 days out. There is NO recourse. Pay Pal links to your bank account and call PULL a refund and time without notice that is a FACT

Just about any Credit Card transaction can be disputed and funds removed if the dispute finds against you. It's call Buyer/Seller protection and I've used it as a buyer before. If you have a dispute and it goes so far as the company has to pull the funds from your account you have a problem much bigger at hand. It's not a quick, easy, or instant thing and it takes lots of documentation and proof of wrong doing for them to dip into an account and reverse a transaction.

If you think that any Credit Card company doesn't do the same thing then you're missing the big picture all the way around.
For my previous business, I used QB Online but didn't want to pay the monthly fee when I started the drone business because it was part-time.

I started using Wave accounting since it was free (they just take a fee from credit cards transactions like everyone else) and it has worked well.

Also, I am surprised by the number of clients (even large companies) that pay the online invoice with a credit card.

The only downside was my former CPA (a QB expert) wanted nothing to do with it when I asked for assistance. I got everything sorted with their "Accounting Coaching" service that provides 120 minutes of live coaching for $250.
I like the KISS principle, throw all your receits in a box, and when you get audited take the box with you to the IRS office. Now for reality, I use quicken business. It works for me, keeps my personal and business finances separated. Wife does the taxes CPA's are too expensive unless your in the mega money range.
Also, I am surprised by the number of clients (even large companies) that pay the online invoice with a credit card.

Even big companies benefit from running $$ through a CC. They can also use debit cards which accompany most accounts.

The only downside was my former CPA (a QB expert) wanted nothing to do with it when I asked for assistance. I got everything sorted with their "Accounting Coaching" service that provides 120 minutes of live coaching for $250.

Of course they want to you to strictly use QB. That way they can run everything through TurboTax without even having to manually enter it, and charge you a nice fee. :)
Here in the Washington DC region, it's considered unprofessional, that if someone uses Paypal, they are perceived as being hobbyists, too small to deal with and not serious about being a business owner. I think it's cultural. At any rate, my CPA has all of her clients using QB.
"Here in the Washington DC region, it's considered unprofessional," :):):) Washington DC, figures. I love PP....
"Here in the Washington DC region, it's considered unprofessional," :):):) Washington DC, figures. I love PP....
If you do business with companies that have state or federal contracts, they're regulated by federal/state laws and contracts that state certain accounting processes have to be in place for accounts receivable/payable, and PP is not an authorized payment processing platform.

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