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Austin Texas permission request form?


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
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DFW, TX, USA, Earth, Sol, OA, MWG, GLG, VS, L, GA
I've been asked to film a couple commercial buildings for marketing purposes in Austin, Texas. It's been awhile since I've done any drone flying around Austin, but stumbled on this page: Austin Film Commission | Drone Regulations which states that "All commercial UAS flights are required to complete the Austin Police Department Special Events Unmanned Aerial Operations Request."

Apparently we're required to fill out a form to get permission to fly from the Austin Police Department? Anyone have any experience with flying around Austin lately?
I lived in Round Rock and did a lot of work in and around the Austin area 2017-2019 and was not aware of that. I did many commercial real estate shoots without a problem. I'm not seeing anything on that page that mandates one to fill out the request form you mention.
I lived in Round Rock and did a lot of work in and around the Austin area 2017-2019 and was not aware of that. I did many commercial real estate shoots without a problem. I'm not seeing anything on that page that mandates one to fill out the request form you mention.
Thanks for the response, and glad you never had any issues... but not sure what you mean by there not being any mandates?

On the page it says: "All commercial UAS flights are required to complete the Austin Police Department Special Events Unmanned Aerial Operations Request for approval prior to permits being issued."
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Is it a special event you’ll be filming?
From the wording you stated it sounds like it only applies for that.
Not filming a special event. So, hopefully that's what that means...
I'm always confused by wording like this... is the "special event unmanned aerial operations" like a parade, festival, celebration, etc or do they consider it a special event anytime a "scary phantom-4-pro-white-supreme-pizza-super-predator-spy" drone (with a wide angle lens and is as stealthy as an angry hive of bees) launches from their sacred city grounds? With all the Californians escaping to Austin from their self-induced 1984-eutopic-paradise home, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter.... (they like changing the definitions of everything else after all). 🤪 So, yeah, ask me what I think about Austin... 😉 (Okay, the scenic hill country there is much prettier than the absolute flat dirty nasty urban wastelands of north Texas).
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Good luck with the mission. I hope it works out without hassle or handcuffs! 😂

BTW, why the need to trash Austin and tech head Californians?
I do several shoots in the Austin area every week. I just follow the drone rules as established by the FAA. Never had an issue. Will be looking forward to hearing what you find out, but I don't see how they can regulate it.
Good luck with the mission. I hope it works out without hassle or handcuffs! 😂

BTW, why the need to trash Austin and tech head Californians?
Thank you... I'll try... Why the need to trash? No need per se... Just a personal observation about various population centers where some people like to control other people (who seem to enjoy being controlled) more... and requiring a permit (to me) is something that leans in that direction... Anyway, didn't mean to make a big deal (was mostly tongue in cheek); but alas... but glad to see this seems to be probably more targeted at movie studios than anything...

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