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Basically No One is Getting Fined for Flying Drones Without a License

We have laws for a reason. Like it or not, mostly there for our own good. Can you imagine a commercial manned pilot with no licensure required? Or how about a Physician? or maybe an electrician. No, there are reasons for licensing, especially as it relates to NAS. Are there silly laws and regulations that we have to put up with? Obsoletely. The difference between Gun Laws and Drone licensing is that the 2nd amendment guarantees that right. Driving for example is a privilege not a right. When I took my Part 107, I was caught off guard about the number of questions relating to taxing on a runway! Really? Why? That in my mind is the stupid part. This is a new and evolving industry, but privately and commercially, things will change. Hope for the best.
The FAA will probably start enforcing laws now that DJI has drone tracking equipment. Assuming that most drones flown illegally are DJI drones.
to 924
agreed. but the people involved that end up pushing for more regs . just so they think they can get the upper hand over either competition or to push out smaller operations . I hope the drone business stays open and free for all who wish to take their 107 and make the best of it . it's a slippery slope .
This is what happens after decades (if not centuries) of CRONY capitalism. Many regulations (in the name of safety or the environment) actually have nothing to do with either; but are set in place by well paying lobbyist to get legislation passed to make it too expensive for any potential competition to the company (that these lobbyist represent), from ever getting off the ground. Sometimes they are used to artificially inflate the salaries of those involved in an industry. I'm not suggesting that all regulations are like this--just pointing out that many are weaponized to protect those companies that are wealthy enough to wine-and-dine the many corrupt politicians and un-elected bureaucrats that run the USA and somehow become millionaires.
i agree with most of what you say . though i don't believe it's capitalism causing the over reaching regs . more like the socialists that want a piece of everybody's pie
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I agree about enforcement. When they start I think there will be many violations for sure. I'm glad I studied and passed, not only for the knowledge, but so I can have one less thing to worry about when I'm out flying.

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