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Battery Woes


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2018
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Coulterville, CA
On the Inspire 2, I have four sets of batteries that are swelling, but the cells test good. I also noticed after flying the battery temperature was inconsistent, meaning I had differing temperatures at different locations on the battery. The company did send me eight new batteries but I can't figure why they are swelling and all cells check good.
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On the Inspire 2, I have four sets of batteries that are swelling, but the cells test good. I also noticed after flying the battery temperature was inconsistent, meaning I had differing temperatures at different locations on the battery. The company did send me eight new batteries but I can't figure why they are swelling and all cells check good.

Could the HEAT be from increased resistance within the battery? And this increased heat cause an accelerated "Decomposition" (my word and probably not the correct term for this condition) of the pack? You may get good readings but overall performance is probably going to be decreased compared to non Puffy packs.

I had a colleague leave one of our Emergency Services sUAS (Mavic Pro) kits in his vehicle during a very hot day and all (3) packs were at 100%. The next morning they were still warm and "Puffy".... actually so puffy they barely fit in the battery saddle in the aircraft. We've deemed them NOT FLIGHT WORTHY now. In none of the previous batter inspections was any swelling noted but these three are majorly PUFFED.
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BigA, thanks for the response. I just replaced eight of the sixteen batteries. The tempature of the batteries after flights ran about 109 to 119 degrees. Fight time wasn't shortened. As you stated the batteries became more difficult to mount.
I've been testing these batteries at home flying the Inspire a foot or so off the ground until she won't fly any longer and they seem to work just fine, no heat difference between the new batteries and old. All the effected batteries only had about 80 charges on them.
I agree with you, I deemed them unfit for continued use, especially at the college.
As far as internal resistance on the batteries that is a good question. I'll get my VOM out and check them, I wish I had the pin connection schematic for these batteries, and you may be right, high resistance will create heat.
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Here’s my MPP batteries showing the ever so slight swelling (good on left puffed on right)IMG_6651.jpg
Mine swelled a little more than that. However four of them also swelled on the back side slightly. Obviously making it a little difficult to install.
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I know these batteries can explode, although I've never seen it. I'm flying in the vicinity of people at the college, and I just can't take a chance of a catastrophic failure due to a battery going up in flames. I know the I2 will fly on one battery, but if one should explode or catch fire that could take the drone down.
Several months ago I did have a battery failure, and had no problem recovering the drone with one good battery. That battery had no swelling, and had cell four go open.
I don't think you're paranoid but properly cautious given what I've seen in videos that can happen once these batteries begin to smolder and ignite. Down right scary. As you probably know the bad stuff will typically occur when you try to charge a battery that has been compromised. Unfortunately most people (myself included until I began researching) have no idea about the care these batteries require and the bad things that can happen if you abuse them.
I don't think you're paranoid but properly cautious given what I've seen in videos that can happen once these batteries begin to smolder and ignite. Down right scary. As you probably know the bad stuff will typically occur when you try to charge a battery that has been compromised. Unfortunately most people (myself included until I began researching) have no idea about the care these batteries require and the bad things that can happen if you abuse them.

Thanks, and you are right on. Yesterday I compared the temperature between the new batteries and two of the old batteries that haven't swelled. New was 118 degrees after fifteen minute flight, old was 132 after 14 minute flight.
I fly in the proximity of people, I will take every precaution I can think of to reduce a catastrophic failure that may injure someone. We have decided to replace the remaining eight batteries, just good insurance.
Thanks, and you are right on. Yesterday I compared the temperature between the new batteries and two of the old batteries that haven't swelled. New was 118 degrees after fifteen minute flight, old was 132 after 14 minute flight.
I fly in the proximity of people, I will take every precaution I can think of to reduce a catastrophic failure that may injure someone. We have decided to replace the remaining eight batteries, just good insurance.

Might consider leaving them in the vehicle with the a/c running if they are not being used. I lost one to swelling early on with my I1v2 and after that I tried really hard not to expose them to high heat (which we have here in abundance) unless its absolutely necessary. Haven't had any issues since.
Might consider leaving them in the vehicle with the a/c running if they are not being used. I lost one to swelling early on with my I1v2 and after that I tried really hard not to expose them to high heat (which we have here in abundance) unless its absolutely necessary. Haven't had any issues since.

Funny you said that, I do that already, Also cool my iPad down after every two or three flights on 100 plus days.
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Funny you said that, I do that already, Also cool my iPad down after every two or three flights on 100 plus days.

I only get one flight out of an iPad before it goes south. Between the heat and the humidity, electronics here don't stand a chance.
I only get one flight out of an iPad before it goes south. Between the heat and the humidity, electronics here don't stand a chance.

Only one flight? That's a pain to say the least. Have you seen those "IPad Coolers"? Not cheap but might help and be worth it in your situation
Only one flight? That's a pain to say the least. Have you seen those "IPad Coolers"? Not cheap but might help and be worth it in your situation

If you are talking about the one with two little fans, the company gave me one. Two problems, it doesn't work well, and you can't mount it to your controller. I found it useless.
I know it is a bit of an expense, but I went to two iPads. I also carry an small ice chest that will cool it down very quickly.
Also make sure you have plenty of memory, and nothing running in the background.
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If you are talking about the one with two little fans, the company gave me one. Two problems, it doesn't work well, and you can't mount it to your controller. I found it useless.
I know it is a bit of an expense, but I went to two iPads. I also carry an small ice chest that will cool it down very quickly.
Also make sure you have plenty of memory, and nothing running in the background.

That sounds like the one I've seen a couple of times online. It's a shame it doesn't work well.
Only one flight? That's a pain to say the least. Have you seen those "IPad Coolers"? Not cheap but might help and be worth it in your situation

I did a quick sketch and had our machine shop make me a simple one. I Velcro the iPad on over a cool pack that keeps the ipad cool enough for a flight then switch the cool pack out. Caveman engineering but it works.
UC Merced was just under a 100 degrees today. iPad 1 Started dropping out after second set of batteries, same with Ipad 2. I dropped #1 in the cooler, before launching with #2, took a fifteen minute break when finished with #2, finished up with #1 with two sets of batteries. Averaged 16 minutes per battery pair. Last flight was only 11 minutes.
If the budget will handle it, I think multiple iPads are the way to go. 1247 photos today and one 6 minute video.
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We’re 100 and over. Flew a wildland fire and monitored temps onscene before launch. 100. During flight it rose to 102. Was only airborne 9 minutes. Landed, placed in cool truck. Monitored engine temps immediately upon landing and all were 107-109F. Battery was only 40C. All batteries are normal physically. I keep truck running and A/C on. Did notice Ipad was hot, but nothing shut off. Upon landing all goes into cool truck cab. Unused equipment/batteries stay in cool cab. I keep two iPads on hand at all times, plus have a 7Plus iphone, all flight ready. I keep a ‘cheap’ shade over the screen during flight. Makes is easier to see in the sunlight and keeps direct light/heat off the screen.
I use my puffed bad batteries as portable power banks for recharging iphone, ipad, etc. I also recharge them outside in a safe holder.
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