Hello gang,
Momentarily, I am on the secondary stages of negotiation with a local commercial pest management company, who handles the Levis San Francisco 49ers stadium, as well as the new Chase NBA Warriors stadium, who they are looking into utilizing a drone to deter birds from areas of human and structures.
As we all know that Parent birds may abandon a nest if they’re disturbed repeatedly. Even one disturbance can leave their chicks temporarily vulnerable to predators. And flushing birds while they’re roosting or feeding makes it harder for them to build up the energy reserves for successful breeding and migration. The company has used a falconer, but they deemed it to be none efficient and costly, and so is where I come in.
After my initial meeting with the pest management company, I did a personal flight study to note the behavior of the birds (the pigeons of San Francisco ) especially on their defensive characteristics and I've learned that the pigeons (not a scientific study) usually takes off headwind, and land downwind similar to an aircraft and they are also fast in making turns left or right and swift when maneuvering a quick dive, but slow to climb to an altitude. After learning their characteristics, I've created a flight path, according to the wind direction and their flight characters that I hope this will eliminate the possibility of a mid-air collision.
But, again. I only have so little experience and one flight is not enough to base assumptions or create a concrete study. So my question are...... Has any of you been contracted to do this type of job? I will be partnering with
@Al Diaz aka bigdz on this job, and he recommends utilizing our DJI enterprise drone to emit predatory sounds over the speakers, would this be beneficial? I know this job will not be a one-time solution, so I have opted for a progressive 1yr or a 2yr contract, but I have to create a case study, and safety procedures to present to the company.
Any ideas are welcome and I thank you all in advance.