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Business Website Complete!

Didn't you know that is the latest fad?

Just like the Tide Pods. LOL
Must have been expensive to find all the talent that knew how to drive backwards at high speed, and get permits clear the road behind the house for the shoot! ;)
Nice work. What software are you using for your video editing? I like to see the dates of completed work so I can see the artist's progression in their skills. The beginning was nicely compiled and much smoother than the Atlanta, GA project but I like everything I saw.
Congrats on launching the site!
  • You could add the region you cover for SEO purposes.
  • If you have client testimonials, you should add them; they're really powerful.
  • For email address: with your domain name you get the @ email extension (@jasonjlee.co) - you can create the email addresses you want, such as contact *@* jasonjilee.co. That would make your business look more professional. It should be relatively easy to find on your registrar's website.
Good luck with the business!

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