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Canadian SFOC Process

Merely pointing out there is a newer version of the form in use now, and we have seen applications returned for similar issues in the past. Do what you feel is best, just trying to help, our advice is unconditional as well, we simply offer a service for those wanting extra help, everything on our blog and what we share in forums and groups is free. The process and requirements are the same for a big or small company, TC expects a certain level of information regardless. Best of luck.
Thanks Gord and Flitelab. Looking forward to my ground school in a few weeks and hope to be flying soon.
To date, I've received 2 standing SFOCs covering the years 2016 and 2017. In 2015 I applied for and received 5 one-off SFOCs that lead the way to the standing SFOCs. This year, I've started late in applying for a standing SFOC. I see there is now a standardized form. Is this for all types of SFOCs? Does anyone know if and when ground school is required and if previous pilot licenses count towards aviation knowledge requirements?
I looked at the "https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/publications/page-6557.html#section4". It lists a bizarre amount of required information and knowledge. I'm a former commercial pilot (multi-engine, land and sea endorsements).
Your licence is all you need for the knowledge requirement of an SFOC you certainly have more knowledge than is required. The list is basically ground school information.
It will still be required knowledge.
We began SFOC process in 2015 also and have maintained a standing SFOC since. Transport Canada had indicated that we would be "grandfathered" into the new system.
The form they had introduced last year was a little different but similar to the old process.
They also wanted us to resend our Operations Manual, with all procedures and all the normal paperwork.
Guessing you should get it in ASAP as TC gets very busy next month.
Has anyone attempted applying for operations in Class C airspace? Any luck? I'm assuming as long as you can provide documentation to meet all of the requirements and show an acceptable level of safety and risk mitigation it shouldn't be a problem but wanted to see what others experience has been. Looking to potentially fly near Ottawa.
Has anyone attempted applying for operations in Class C airspace? Any luck? I'm assuming as long as you can provide documentation to meet all of the requirements and show an acceptable level of safety and risk mitigation it shouldn't be a problem but wanted to see what others experience has been. Looking to potentially fly near Ottawa.
Our Standing SFOC allows flight in Class C, however you must contact Nav Canada for their approval and issuing of Notam.If you have not done this before call well in advance. If your doing it often , you can setup a template with them for Notams.
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Anyone needing help going through the process, I just completed my 3rd successful application. The first one is pretty daunting, after that, it goes a lot smoother and approvals are quicker. I have seen companies charging as much as $500.00 per application to file each SFOC, you can do it yourself and it's a free service through Transport Canada. Once you establish a safe and responsible track record with TC, they will ask you to apply for a Standing SFOC or a Graduated SFOC depending on the type of work is involved.
What a great resource....thanks!
Our Standing SFOC allows flight in Class C, however you must contact Nav Canada for their approval and issuing of Notam.If you have not done this before call well in advance. If your doing it often , you can setup a template with them for Notams.
Thank you!
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Hi Everyone
Yesterday was a good day, I just received my Standing Complex SFOC, it took 15 days from time of application, pretty fast. No big surprises as far as restrictions, they do have a UAV NOTAM form you can use if you are in restricted airspace. .upload_2018-3-24_7-11-19.png

I was granted Class G and Class F airspace, from what I understand, for Class F airspace and in controlled zones, you will have to file a UAV NOTAM 24hrs in advance, it's pretty easy to do. They do respond usually the same day. Hope this helps a bit.


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Thanks, it's all in your prep work, give them all the reasons to approve your application. They granted me more than I asked for, they even offered me other provinces than just Alberta. I was pleased with Alberta. It was pretty cool. The next step is to become a Compliant Operator, I'll wait to see what comes out for new regulations this year. This has opened a lot of other opportunities for me.
Congrats Gord! I just joined this forum and am working towards my first SFOC. So far it seems like a lot of studying. Can you tell me how in-depth you had to read the related documents (ie. Staff Instruction, TP_15263E, CARs, etc.) to get to where you're at?
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Thanks, Welcome to the forum, my first SFOC application took a long time to complete, just remember it's not a test. It's important to review and understand all the necessary and related instructions. No need to memorize everything. Take your application and start at one section and complete it before going on, don't jump around. First one seems daunting, each application has instructions and a format you can follow. Use TC's flight plan format example, they like that and it's easier for you. In my opinion, there are 3 major things to keep in mind when doing your application, Safety/Privacy/Security. I started with Simplified Applications, then progressed to Complex Applications then Standing.

Once your first SFOC is approved keep future requests consistent, all you really need is your new flight plan, most everything else is done. After 4-5 SFOC's they will ask you to submit for a Standing SFOC if all goes well. If you are working towards a Standing SFOC make sure you get your ROC-A in advance, it takes longer to get than an SFOC. PM me if you need some help or examples.
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Gord, funny you should mention about the ROC-A. I took my test on a weekend earlier this month and found my certificate in my mailbox five days later. The efficiency from government blew me away!

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