As an instrument pt 61 cfi/i/mei, and have flown the east coast extensively, I would recommend all pt 107 operators to study VFR aviation maps very well in planning. Any airport with a Cl E starting at 700 agl has instrument approaches. Pilots can be vectored onto a final approach, there are usually minimums that SHOULD keep them clear of any obstacle. Approaches are designed to have their minimums avoid getting close to obstacles, so flying within 400 ft of this one should not be a problem. But, there are VFR aircraft out there with instructors that do training and simulated engine outs happen routinely and might be down close to an airport like X60. This looks to me like a perfect place to pull one on a student. BUT, i would not here, cause of V579 and T205 begin exceptionally close and they start at 1200 agl,,,,so, legal? yes, but smart? It's a big picture, a number of Cl D towered airports with approaches and traffic in area. So, yes, I would fly here, but with certain conditions, such as good Wx and good visibility, I'd most likely monitor ATC, who u might ask? Depends on winds and which approaches if any were being used in the area. So, I should know how to look that up. I should know where to expect GA traffic and who to monitor to avoid having one of them call ATC and report UAV spotting, which ATC then is required to report and we do not need any bad publicity. Always up for