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Class E2


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
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Can anyone shed some light on getting authorization in Class e2 airspace? on the sectional it is a small area off of class d airspace where laanc works just fine, however knowing that class e2 is from the surface, is there any way to get authorization? Laanc 'sees' it as outside controlled airspace?! I'm assuming I'll have to go through the dronezone site?
I have next to no experience in this area but what little I have learned would seem to indicate that if the FAA does not classify a particular airspace as controlled but you can't take off then it's due to DJI and you will have to jump through their hoops to get off the ground, I think via their flysafe web page.
I live near one that AIRMAP still thinks is Class G. You need to go through Dronezone. In my case, the people that own the Class D next door also controls the Class E2, so I have to go through Dronezone, then negotiate with the people in the Class D (who are military) after approval and give them a 3 day notice (apparently the 3 day notice is only required by the Navy and not the Air Force), then a notice before I start and when I finish.

Don't just pick a day in Dronezone. Pick a month time frame to complete it, after whatever you think you will need for processing, even if the job takes you 15 minutes. The combination of predicting weather with the 3 day required notice and sometimes getting cancelled by the Military at the last minute (but rarely) makes picking an actual time more of a crap shoot, so give yourself some leeway without requiring repeated Dronezone trips for different authorizations.

Don't just try to pick a day by predicting the weather, without knowing exactly how long it will take the FAA to process the authorization and for you to complete any requirements if there are any.

Lucky for you, if you have LAANC in that Class D, it isn't military and you should have easier coordination, probably just with the tower.
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Scott J. Gardner from the FAA wrote a very good memo about 14 CFR 107.41 Class E Surface Area Authorizations back in 2018. This memo is cited in Jonathan Rupprecht's legal discussion website at Section 107.41 Operation in certain airspace (2021).

Basically, a Class E extension off of a Class D airspace is not the same as "Class E airspace areas designated as a surface area for an airport."

As Scott Gardner states in his January 10, 2018 memo, "... we only need to provide authorizations for Class E airspace if the airport itself is a Class E airport."

Check out Jonathan's legal opinion at the link above. It has the illustrated examples that Scott provided in his 2018 memo.
I believe class E extensions off of Class D airspaces are actually Class E4 not E2. E2 should be primary airspace related to a Class E airport. This may explain why you're not required to get authorization. Controlled airspace should start at 700' AGL. Good luck.

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