I half agree...I agree is comes down to salesmanship, but this is not a new problem and has been around for decades in video and photo. And the argument that its my product and I cant let someone wreck it is a little off to me. Your name is not etched in the footage (metadata yes not watermarked so everyone can see), you are paid to supply media, supply the media and walk away if that is what you are paid to do. If you can charge premium for RAW, for a few reasons (1 your losing control of the final product, 2 It IS industry standard). I have come across more clients than I count that did something I did not agree with creatively ( and sometimes technical). But guess what, creative is creative - he who pays you makes the call. If they want to put a floating ***** in your drone footage I think them paying you makes that ok. Now maybe if your Spielberg or Lucas you can go the route of I wont if I dont have total creative control....but remember even they have producers/studio execs and dont always get their way.
Lastly most videographers, drone operators, script writers, photogs, are all ingredients to a much larger pie and unless you do the marketing, post production, motion graphics, scriptwriting, producing storyboarding etc etc you are only a piece of a pie, not the chef - and even the chef reports to the owner. Do your job, do it well and make your clients happy, these things will keep you busy and more work coming your way.
Just curious when you say "goes out clean" I am assuming your providing good footage (exposure ISO etc) and your afraid they are going to color grade it incorrectly? What looks good to you might not look good to someone else, balanced is balanced but you might be shocked what happens to your footage once a real post production person gets a hold of it. NOTHING GOES OUT WITHOUT EDITING BEYOND THE CAMERA, nothing professional anyway, balanced or not. Trust me on this.