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Commercial in Canada (intro)

Bob M

New Member
Jan 21, 2018
Reaction score
South Central Ontario, Canada
It was a "no brainer" when it came to signing up for this forum since I have been a member of Phantom Pilots for a couple of years now and have gained a ton of knowledge regarding these units, overall great information from mostly friendly and polite members.

As to this forum and the intro - I have a small vibration analysis business that includes also some Thermal Imaging on rotating equipment. In some cases this involves visual inspections of machines and cables on the ground and at higher levels where climbing is involved (outside work). So, I incorporated a P4 I have to carry out visual inspections of the higher areas to save some time and of course climbing. Thinking I should upgrade to a P4P for higher quality photos and video content (once my budget allows for it) as I am thinking of adding tower and smoke stack inspections to the business. We will see!

Transport Canada has made some changes regarding commercial work so I have to get up to date on that in order to obtain an "exemption certificate" - they have 2 categories for UAV's - being 1kg or less and over 1kg to 25kg - the over 1kg is much more restrictive and requires additional certification (used to be up to 2kg and 2kg-25kg as to categories which was perfect IMO). Think they realized most commercial activity included the DJI Phantoms so they made that change as to weight categories .

Good luck to all with your present and future commercial use of your Quads and good luck to all regarding the draw.

Thank you to all the moderators and Phantom forum developers for your tireless work and for this new forum!
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.
It was a "no brainer" when it came to signing up for this forum since I have been a member of Phantom Pilots for a couple of years now and have gained a ton of knowledge regarding these units, overall great information from mostly friendly and polite members.

As to this forum and the intro - I have a small vibration analysis business that includes also some Thermal Imaging on rotating equipment. In some cases this involves visual inspections of machines and cables on the ground and at higher levels where climbing is involved (outside work). So, I incorporated a P4 I have to carry out visual inspections of the higher areas to save some time and of course climbing. Thinking I should upgrade to a P4P for higher quality photos and video content (once my budget allows for it) as I am thinking of adding tower and smoke stack inspections to the business. We will see!

Transport Canada has made some changes regarding commercial work so I have to get up to date on that in order to obtain an "exemption certificate" - they have 2 categories for UAV's - being 1kg or less and over 1kg to 25kg - the over 1kg is much more restrictive and requires additional certification (used to be up to 2kg and 2kg-25kg as to categories which was perfect IMO). Think they realized most commercial activity included the DJI Phantoms so they made that change as to weight categories .

Good luck to all with your present and future commercial use of your Quads and good luck to all regarding the draw.

Thank you to all the moderators and Phantom forum developers for your tireless work and for this new forum!
I have been using my Phantom 3 Professional for two years... mainly for photography but also to do non profit work in our community. One of my projects is to survey public conservation lands for the conservation non- profit in Andover, MA. another has been to do an irrigation survey for our condominium development. I have also been filming for my own rental vacation property in Washington, NH. I am looking forward to learning more in this forum both technically and aesthetically..... At this point I am not sure I want to view my work as commercial and go for a commercial license but I definitely want to learn more.
Hello and welcome to the Commercial Drone Pilots forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.

If you haven't already done so, consider adding your LOCATION to your forum profile to help us know where you are when you post suggestions or ask for assistance. It helps a lot more than you might think especially because this is an international forum with members from all parts of the world. Here's a direct link to yours:


Welcome to our newest forum .
Take a little time and look around all our subforums to find what suits you and besure to read our Guidelines and ask if you have any questions in a message to any of the staff .
Enjoy all the knowledge members have to offer .

Also be sure and visit this thread CDP Giveaway - Phantom 4 Pro... :)

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