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DJI Event Janurary 23

Jack Matthias

Jan 18, 2018
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What do you guys expect DJI to bring to the table? I would love to see the phantom 5. Let me know what you think. Heres the trailer video
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What do you guys expect DJI to bring to the table? I would love to see the phantom 5. Let me know what you think. Heres the trailer video

I have no idea as to what they are up to. Lots of rumors or should I say wishes. 10 AM EST in 4 days. One thing for sure, whatever it is it will not be for free :)
Not me, I already spent $12K with them in the past 6 months. I will be living out in my car if I keep this up! My wife is not a fan! Maybe it will be a larger battery for my Inspire 2 ??
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It sounds like DJI will announce something very small.

Cloud City Drones made a jump and stated that it was a Mavic Air with a 32 MB camera, 21 minute flight time around $700.oo Not sure if it is true or not? DJI is usually pretty tight lipped just like Apple.
If you need a shower, meal and sleeping quarters we have a large 6 bedroom home.;)

You are a great friend :) I appreciate the offer and most likely will take you up on that. We can have a blast flying together and enjoying our passions. Thanks my friend.
32 megapixels - lol. That's a panoramic mode setting. My money is on the same 12 megapixel camera that is on the Spark. I was excited all weekend for the reveal. Was hoping for better imaging. Hope I'm wrong!
32 megapixels - lol. That's a panoramic mode setting. My money is on the same 12 megapixel camera that is on the Spark. I was excited all weekend for the reveal. Was hoping for better imaging. Hope I'm wrong!

Leaked info is it's the same sensor as on the Mavic. 21 minutes flight time. It's a pocket-mavic.
This was a really disappointing announcement. Definitely geared more toward the consumer.

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