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Do I want litchi!

I just had my first little problem with Litchi yesterday. Flew a pattern using waypoints, I normally don't use return to home when hitting the last way point but I did this time. When the P4P returned it missed it's home point by about 45 feet and began to land in a large oak tree. I obviously canceled the return to home.
I shut everything down, the booted back up and flew the pattern again, this time the P4P came right back and landed within a couple of feet of the home point. I flew the same pattern one more time, came back to home point just fine.

I know the home poiint was recorded prior to the first flight, or I believe it was. This to me is a case of what did I do wrong on the first flight? Any ideas
I just had my first little problem with Litchi yesterday. Flew a pattern using waypoints, I normally don't use return to home when hitting the last way point but I did this time. When the P4P returned it missed it's home point by about 45 feet and began to land in a large oak tree. I obviously canceled the return to home.
I shut everything down, the booted back up and flew the pattern again, this time the P4P came right back and landed within a couple of feet of the home point. I flew the same pattern one more time, came back to home point just fine.

I know the home poiint was recorded prior to the first flight, or I believe it was. This to me is a case of what did I do wrong on the first flight? Any ideas
Cant be certain, but always check to make sue home point updated b4 takeoff.
I have a question, if I install Litchi on my ipad 4 mini, can I also run it on my desktop computer for mission planning and then upload to mission hub? (or do I even need it on my desktop to plan missions?)
If your computer is an apple you can plan a mission on the hub and dowload it. if your pc isnt an apple and youcan download from pc to your ipad i would think so.you can ask litchi [email protected]. i would think you can just do it from the ipad as you have to log into litchi acct, the when you have the drone on, log into your account on the drone then download to ac.
If your computer is an apple you can plan a mission on the hub and dowload it. if your pc isnt an apple and youcan download from pc to your ipad i would think so.you can ask litchi [email protected]. i would think you can just do it from the ipad as you have to log into litchi acct, the when you have the drone on, log into your account on the drone then download to ac.

I have a lap top with Win 10. I first "draw" my Litchi mission on Google Earth, where I can measure my distances (I don't want to be further than 500 meters away) and check my terrain elevation.I use the Ruler tool to draw the path. Of course, GE doesn't see the trees height so I pay some attention there. Then I save the path as a KML file and open Litchi Mission Hub. Click on Import a mission and my mission appears on the screen.

This being done, I fine tune the mission, edith each waypoint, adding extra altitude for the trees and making sure the flight is safe. Then I crosscheck it by clicking on Export as KML 3D path. This opens Google Earth, showing the path height above the ground. If I messed up with a waypoint's elevation, this is where I'll see it. When happy with the mission, I save it and it will open on my Mini Pad 2.

Hoping this helps...
I know the home poiint was recorded prior to the first flight, or I believe it was.
Cant be certain, but always check to make sue home point updated b4 takeoff.
It's not easy to take off before the home pint is recorded but even if you do, the Phantom would record a home point very soon after liftoff anyway.
This to me is a case of what did I do wrong on the first flight? Any ideas
As is usually the case, the answer is going to be found in the recorded flight data.
It's not easy to take off before the home pint is recorded but even if you do, the Phantom would record a home point very soon after liftoff anyway.

As is usually the case, the answer is going to be found in the recorded flight data.

Good point, I didn't even think of that, I just chucked it up that I did something wrong since it worked fine on the other flights.

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