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Drone Deploy/ArcGIS 9.3

No experience with ArcGIS but geo-tiffs drop right into QGIS.


  • 2018-07-01_135312.jpg
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  • Screenshot 2018-07-01 13.50.41.jpg
    Screenshot 2018-07-01 13.50.41.jpg
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Does anyone use their aerial images for ArcGIS? Trying to upload the aerial image rasters and will not show up in GIS. Any suggestions or ideas?
I use them daily in 10.3 without any problems. Load them like any other shapefile with "Add Data" button. Afterwards, go into the .tif properties and check "Display Background Value" to remove the black background.
I use Arcgis 10.4 and no problem, just take care to the projection system when you export the orthomosaic is set by default on web mercator for the map projection better to choose another one.
I have a question for those you try to export the elevation model I don't know why I just have some color of the elevation model on the screen.
See attached picture the original elevation map on Drone Deploy and the elevation map on Arcgis 10.4 on 3 Bands and 1 streched band, missing a lot of information.
The DEM is correct, and this elevation map open perfectly in Google Earth.DD_elevation original.jpg ExportDD-Elevation.jpg ExportDD-Elevation_streched.jpg
Well, I should have written down how I was able to import into QGIS and them export to ArcGIS 9.3. Because now I am back to trying to figure out how to import into ArcGIS 9.3. The site on Dronedeploy does not work for 9.3.

Does anyone have any idea how to bring into ArcGIS 9.3?
10.3.1 currently. I learned on 9.3 roughly ten years ago. Remember it was a pain switching over because of the new GUI.
I worry about the learning curve. I learned on 8.0. Then had 9.3. Been using 9.3 for 10 years.

I learned most of what I know on my own with 8 and 9.3, is the new ones easy enough to figure out on own?
I worry about the learning curve. I learned on 8.0. Then had 9.3. Been using 9.3 for 10 years.

I learned most of what I know on my own with 8 and 9.3, is the new ones easy enough to figure out on own?

The big change was the GUI to me. Once you get past that and are able to find what you need it works about the same. Arc Desktop is on the way out. It won't happen tomorrow but ESRI is pushing everything onto the Cloud so eventually you are going to be either retired (like me) or using ArcPro. We were considering the switch but the hardware requirements make the change a lot less attractive from our perspective.

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