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Drone Deploy not recognizing my drone.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2018
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Coulterville, CA
Went out to do a roadway shoot, about two mile. Had just done all my updates. Start to do first mapping section and DD failed startup, why it defauted to the Mavic and not the Inspire two. Reset DD to Inspire 2 with 15mm lens, plugged into controller, defaulted back to Mavic.
I have used DD for almost four years now and never had a major issue, but no it is useless to me.
Has anyone else experienced problems with DD after doing updates?
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Hey Mr. Perry
Have not had issues after updates, but have had some other odd things occur. Some questions if thats ok?
Were you possibly inside a DJI restricted zone?
Using an iPad or?
The drone selection of DD is for battery and number of image planning purposes. I find mine resets often, but it then fixes it when connected to the drone.

So not detecting the drone I think is different than changing the estimation drone. If it can't connect, was the remote connected to the drone? Was the tablet connected to the remote and the cable good? I just did a post construction flight and on the website it said it was a Mavic, I changed it to P4p, made a few small changes to the flight, went onsite, it said it was a mavic again, and wanted like 400 images and 2 batteries, connected my drone, took flight, and ended up with 248 images in 15 minutes, which is what it was estimating on the P4P before I was on site.

I am up to date on all firmware, Flysafe DBs, etc.

Once I fly a mission with a P4p, it seems to stay there. But it does say "Planning Camera" on the drone selection, and has a disclaimer at the bottom "Updates automatically when drone is connected."

Hope that helps.
Well problem solved, drone IMU was going bad. Drone crashed, Sent to DJI for repair, $1200.00 dollars later back in business.
I must admit, DJI turnaround time was fantastic.

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