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Drone Repair - Broken Gimbal Replacement


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
Fort Collins, Colorado
DroneFly is charging me $699.00 to replace my P4P Camera and Gimbal. They explained that DJI only makes available a complete camera/gimbal; no ala cart parts are available. ERGO if only the ribbon cable breaks, it will cost you $699.00.

Does this sound reasonable? Anybody else have a broken gimbal and ribbon cables where the camera itself is ok? Not complaining (yet), just curious. Seems over the top where a used P4P is only worth about $750-$950.

Drone Crash.jpg
**** that is painful. DJI makes real nice stuff until it breaks.
Did you have insurance on it at all?
Yes, I think it is State Farm. I've been paying my $60/month for over a year now. They also have our home & four cars. Interestingly when we had a claim for about $900, they raised rates on that car for a year in an amount that equalled what they paid out then lowered it again. I should have switched insurers, but couldn't risk losing my drone coverage :)
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Well I know you can buy NEW gimbals on Ebay for $379. If you are handy and wanted to give it a shot, it might be worth it. Or maybe buy the gimbal and send it with for the repair. I know Maverick Drone systems in Savage Minnesota does an awesome job with repairs. Just a thought, might come in a few hundo cheaper
Yes, I think it is State Farm. I've been pay my $60/month for over a year now. They also have out home & four cars. Interestingly when we had a ar claim for about $900, they raised rates on that car for a year in an amount that equalled what they paid out then lowered it again. I should have switched insurers, but couldn't risk losing my drone coverage :)
What kind of drone coverage do you have? Seems to be getting easier to find but still hit & miss.
Yes, I think it is State Farm. I've been paying my $60/month for over a year now. They also have our home & four cars. Interestingly when we had a claim for about $900, they raised rates on that car for a year in an amount that equalled what they paid out then lowered it again. I should have switched insurers, but couldn't risk losing my drone coverage :)
Changing insurers would not have helped as insurers share a claims database. If you bail in one carrier after a claim the next carrier will see the claim and adjust your rates accordingly, or deny a policy. You might say insurance compsnies are in cahoots with each other.
DroneFly is charging me $699.00 to replace my P4P Camera and Gimbal. They explained that DJI only makes available a complete camera/gimbal; no ala cart parts are available. ERGO if only the ribbon cable breaks, it will cost you $699.00.

Does this sound reasonable? Anybody else have a broken gimbal and ribbon cables where the camera itself is ok? Not complaining (yet), just curious. Seems over the top where a used P4P is only worth about $750-$950.

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Sorry for your pain . Call me an assprin , but this picture is worth a thousand words .
The two extra words are still making me chuckle .
I apologize , I mean not to laugh at your pain .
The comedy is all in the presentation .
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