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DroneBase? Any Good

Got my test mission today. It is to do your own residence with shots went over in training course, and then to upload them as if it were a normal mission.
Yes, I got mine as well and did it this afternoon. Just finished uploading.
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My experience was not a good one. There was a $50.oo job which actually is a joke. When you consider your time and investment it doesn't even come close to minimum wage, never mind your exposure. I checked red the location of the job by using Google Earth and then using the coordinates checked my Sectional and found that the job was in Class D Airspace (SFC-2500) which is very active, a Civilian and Military Airport. I advised them of this and told them a COA would be required. I never heard from them again and yet I checked the Real Estate Listings a week later and low and behold there were the Cardinal Aerial shots where someone Unlicensed or Licensed had taken busting Airspace. I really doubt that someone got a COA for a Real Estate shot in 24 hours.
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My experience was not a good one. There was a $50.oo job which actually is a joke. When you consider your time and investment it doesn't even come close to minimum wage, never mind your exposure. I checked red the location of the job by using Google Earth and then using the coordinates checked my Sectional and found that the job was in Class D Airspace (SFC-2500) which is very active, a Civilian and Military Airport. I advised them of this and told them a COA would be required. I never heard from them again and yet I checked the Real Estate Listings a week later and low and behold there were the Cardinal Aerial shots where someone Unlicensed or Licensed had taken busting Airspace. I really doubt that someone got a COA for a Real Estate shot in 24 hours.

Please see, if not already, my post in this thread. It's post #14.
I just got an invitation 2 days ago to onboard. Dronebase has partnered with Eagleview OnSite Solutions and you get a link to an Eagleview Onsite 6-part course with tests at the end of each course. Once you successfully complete it online you get a certificate of completion and they will assign a test mission within 48 hours then send a badge for you to wear out on each assignment. I am currently awaiting my test mission which I should receive today. Sounded interesting as they will cover your liability insurance for each assignment. Has anyone else done this? There has been a lot of storm and hail damage in my area and they mentioned Allstate in the course.

I just complete the course myself. I'm expecting to be assigned the first test mission in the next few days. Hopefully it provides some side hustle work that is worth the time.
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I'm decided to chime in on this. I did take the silly exam they require you to do, It's a joke! Great I passed, I only had my SLAT for 2 weeks! :eek: but so does everybody else whether you can fly or not.
I was asked to do a couple of jobs, but I wanted to look on Google earth before I drive out, by that time someone else took the project. My last contact was, they wanted me to look at this roof of an apartment complex in Winter Springs, Florida about 45 minutes from me. $50.00 bucks. o_O

Google Maps
On google this is under construction. Not anymore. It's a huge apartment complex and it would take at least a minimum of 3 batteries to inspect. I carry 11

What a joke. I did express to them the issue and asked them to take me off their call list.
Not sure where everybody lives but I work for Multivista, we do drone construction photography, Video, 3D, and standard photography. As pilots or photographers we don't do any of the media work, just take the panos, and progressions, and mapping. Corporate guys put it all together. They pay well, and they are everywhere, corporate is in Vancouver, Canada.
I'm currently planted at the US Merced, CA for the next three years. So far they have treated me very well. I believe they are looking for people in Arizona right now.
Only thing is, if you apply, make sure your can perform and have the 107 cert.
When I began this job I figured flying around a large construction site was going to be a cake walk, not so, it can be challenging but very interesting.
I just looked at their web site, one thing that struck me was they stated "get professional work done for a fraction of the price" meaning cheap. Do they verify that the people they are giving work to actually has a 107 license, insurance, and a business license?
I just looked at their web site, one thing that struck me was they stated "get professional work done for a fraction of the price" meaning cheap. Do they verify that the people they are giving work to actually has a 107 license, insurance, and a business license?
If I recall correctly they did ask for proof for 107 and Insurance but not a LLC or Business.
I'm decided to chime in on this. I did take the silly exam they require you to do, It's a joke! Great I passed, I only had my SLAT for 2 weeks! :eek: but so does everybody else whether you can fly or not.
I was asked to do a couple of jobs, but I wanted to look on Google earth before I drive out, by that time someone else took the project. My last contact was, they wanted me to look at this roof of an apartment complex in Winter Springs, Florida about 45 minutes from me. $50.00 bucks. o_O

Google Maps
On google this is under construction. Not anymore. It's a huge apartment complex and it would take at least a minimum of 3 batteries to inspect. I carry 11

What a joke. I did express to them the issue and asked them to take me off their call list.

Well look at it this way, 50 cents a mile for your car/truck, est 80 miles round trip, 1/2 hr on site and you would make a whole $5.00 an hour. Can't even get the illegals to work that cheap.
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Yes, I got mine as well and did it this afternoon. Just finished uploading.
Finished and uploaded my test mission yesterday. The ground shots took more time than the aerial shots. Waiting to hear what comes next... if anything. This program seems legitimate for AllState claims made in areas that are not in restricted airspace. IMHO, one of these jobs that requires a COA, or is really far away (you specify your max driving distance), I'd probably just pass up and move on to one that doesn't... unless DB incentives for COA leg-work.
There is money to be made in insurance claim assignments through services like DB because they are specialized assignments. Better yet, approach your local insurance agents and offer your services direct. If you are a new operator with limited experience, DB real estate jobs could be great experience getting stick time. However, you're missing out on the biggest marketing and money-making opportunity - REFERRALS. If you want to make money in the RE industry, you need to generate volume through referrals by directly impressing the brokers and agents in your market at your market prices. Personally, I cannot fathom 'possibly' getting paid $50-$60 for a location shoot no matter how few pictures or little time it takes.
I'm decided to chime in on this. I did take the silly exam they require you to do, It's a joke! Great I passed, I only had my SLAT for 2 weeks! :eek: but so does everybody else whether you can fly or not.
I was asked to do a couple of jobs, but I wanted to look on Google earth before I drive out, by that time someone else took the project. My last contact was, they wanted me to look at this roof of an apartment complex in Winter Springs, Florida about 45 minutes from me. $50.00 bucks. o_O

Google Maps
On google this is under construction. Not anymore. It's a huge apartment complex and it would take at least a minimum of 3 batteries to inspect. I carry 11

What a joke. I did express to them the issue and asked them to take me off their call list.

I asked to be removed as well
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There is money to be made in insurance claim assignments through services like DB because they are specialized assignments. Better yet, approach your local insurance agents and offer your services direct. If you are a new operator with limited experience, DB real estate jobs could be great experience getting stick time. However, you're missing out on the biggest marketing and money-making opportunity - REFERRALS. If you want to make money in the RE industry, you need to generate volume through referrals by directly impressing the brokers and agents in your market at your market prices. Personally, I cannot fathom 'possibly' getting paid $50-$60 for a location shoot no matter how few pictures or little time it takes.

The problem is that some person will take the job for the whopping sum of $50.oo. I wish the FAA would start to police these activities by unlicensed operators. In my experience mentioned above I would have needed to obtain a Waiver. You must realize that the FAA can request that Waiver any time that they want. 10,15, 20 years from now. If you take a photo that is used for commercial use and it is in restricted airspace you better have access to that piece of paper.
The real issue for me is that the engagement pricing is set by the consumer. This is quite backwards. It is also a very dangerous precedent to set if the commercialization of sUAS is to ever become viable.

Yes, and if the guy next door got it done from his neighbor for $50.oo the word spreads and everyone expects it for $50.oo. The Realtor is selling a home for $1.5 M and he is big hearted and going to give you $50.oo. out of his or her 10-15% commission.
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Has anyone had issues with panos not processing. I did 6 panos and 5 processed fine and the other hasn’t processed. It’s been over a week. Nick from drone base has resubmitted it twice and nothing. Also what do you think of the new panos coming that are going to have guaranteed payout. I wonder if the payout is going to be greater or not but just knowing your going to get paid is great.
Has anyone had issues with panos not processing. I did 6 panos and 5 processed fine and the other hasn’t processed. It’s been over a week. Nick from drone base has resubmitted it twice and nothing. Also what do you think of the new panos coming that are going to have guaranteed payout. I wonder if the payout is going to be greater or not but just knowing your going to get paid is great.

I use Litchi for my panos, I'm shooting 34 pictures per pano and have had problems with them failing to transmit all the photos at times. Our corporate displays photos that don't process or have problems. So far we haven't been able to figure out what is causing the problem. It only seems to happen on the ponos but not the progressions.
Yes, and if the guy next door got it done from his neighbor for $50.oo the word spreads and everyone expects it for $50.oo. The Realtor is selling a home for $1.5 M and he is big hearted and going to give you $50.oo. out of his or her 10-15% commission.
I doubt seriously whether the definition of "got it done" usually matches mine or many others for that matter. Realtors have told me "you want how much? I'll go get a drone and do it myself!". When I hear that I reply, "I understand. When your drone is in the drink, in someone's scalp, or the FAA is on line 1, and your video is unusable, give me a call. (Oh, my rates have gone up slightly)."

Since I have a full time position and salary, I can afford to take this position.
Hi guys,
I am a Part 107 pilot and just registered with the DroneBase.
I have two questions:
1- Which type of Camera do we have to use for ground shots?
2- Is there a sample training mission video? I couldn't find through Facebook.
I have studied their lessons and after the Background Check they gave me a test mission but I am really ignorant how to do it and I don't want to make a mistake too. Thank you in advance!

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