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Dronebase job

Weird. I am getting paid fairly quickly (usually within 7-10 days). Have you contacted support?
Oh yes. Still awaiting replies. I'm not concerned that I will not get eventually paid, but it is not operations as normal for sure.
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Oh yes. Still awaiting replies. I'm not concerned that I will not get eventually paid, but it is not operations as normal for sure.
My major gripe with DB is that there is no negotiating. You either take the offer or leave it. :) Good luck to you and your endeavors
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So true. It is a "no haggle" market. I have gotten them to bump some jobs incrementally upon identifying to them that the work asked for is more time intensive than they initially identified.
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You seen the latest offer on that other post? Such a great deal! Be a independent contractor and do your own walking and knocking to find your own contracts, fly your own equipment and pay your own insurance, gas and taxes and you get to keep a 20% commission for it 🙄

I’d only work as an employee - let the employer deal with all that other stuff!
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Well, I still have a job from December that hasn't been paid. And when I message dronebase get zero replies about this mission, bit they are communicative on other missions. I messaged from the pilot help page this last time, and have yet to get a reply. It's just odd.

UPDATE: I take it all back. Minutes after posting.... I got a reply and it was actually very helpful. Payment is in process. I guess a watched pot never boils. Anyways, I consider this handled by them, and hopefully just a one-off glitch!
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