The issue isn't that the REA aren't paid yet, its just that most of them are stingy and don't see the value in the service enough to pay at all.
I've been doing RE photography (ground) not for about 5 years and let me tell you, real estate agents are the cheapest b*stards out there. They want you to come into a huge house, do 3-5 hours of shooting, another 3-5 hours of editing, (not including travel time and time spent corresponding) and want to pay you $100 or less, mean while they get a $20k commission on the sale. Sorry Charlie, I'd make more money flipping burgers at McD's for my time. They will whine and cry that the service cuts into their profits and that they have bills to pay. Sorry? Like my equipment i have to buy every few years and maintain, insurance, etc don't eat into my profits? That comes with being a business owner.
The only reason I'm still doing RE photography is because i mostly work with homeowners that want to pay for the service themselves, RE agent be damned. Just last week I did a RE shoot for a nice old lady selling her home, by owner, no agent. I charged her $550 which was fair for my time and she thought was worth it. House just sold yesterday. Record time, no agent even. She is convinced and I'm convinced her home would not have sold that fast had she not had me take pro photos for her. Even the buyers commented how the photos really made them interested in looking at the house, and it stood out from all the other listings with bad photos. Now, if only RE agents would see that its worth it and they can make a lot more money when they are selling a house every week instead of every month...