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Educating public that we aren't spying on them ...

Been busy and haven’t been around in a bit.
Had a local Game Warden come talk to me about the laws and privacy. Dry good conversation. He knows I’m Part 107 and fly for fire Dept.
Also supplied him the latest FAA white paper and made him aware of State privacy laws.
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"I would think the only person worried about LEO having drones is someone that has something to hide."

I've got news for you. We've all got something to hide sooner or later and if you want to give drones a bad name, this is how you do it.

The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution requires that law enforcement obtain a warrant signed by judge to search places where a person has a "reasonable expectation of privacy." (like a fenced in back yard in a remote area where your wife might be sunbathing nude)

It would be a shame for law enforcement to get so excited about this incredibly useful technology that they forget about the warrant requirement. If we're worried about drones getting a bad name for "spying," then we should be wary of law enforcement using these in places that would be protected by the Fourth Amendment. Just because the sheriff has a drone with a high-power zoom and infrared that will allow him to see me and my wife swimming in our backyard pool, does't make it legal. Even if he suspects that I might be cooking some meth or hosting some bad hombres, the sheriff still needs to get a warrant supported by probable cause and signed by a judge if he wants to look in places where I have reasonable expectation of privacy.

It's not that I have anything to hide. It's just that I think that the Fourth Amendment and its privacy protections are very important. Whether or not, you "have something to hide".

FYI - there are always exceptions and the helicopter exception has been one around for a very long time......

Why Police Don't Need Warrants to Snoop With Drones - The Atlantic

Do the police need a warrant to snoop on us from their drones?

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