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FAA Announces Part 107 Re-Testing Criteria

The FAA post didn't mention Weather for the recurrent test but I'm not ruling it out at this point. I studied up on the METAR / TAF hieroglyphs just to be sure :confused:
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at this discussion at FAA HQ. " Well guys, we've crammed the test with as much stupid, irrelevant to UAV pilots crap, but we still need a few more questions."
Guy in the back of the room (trying to impress his boss). "I know, let's put in a bunch of question on outdated weather reporting technology (telegraph) not even real pilots still use. How about METARS and TAFs, for UAV pilots (whose weather requirement is pretty much limited to opening a window)? Fantastic idea Bob."
I know, but I'm on a roll.:D
Is this, as they say, offishal?
The system finds the exam but it tells me that it’s the wrong exam.
I think there may be an issue on IACRA's end. When you fill it out and click the "VIEW APPLICATION" button on the right "INITIAL" is checked on the form instead of "RECURRENT". It never asked me which application I was making and there isn't any way I've found to change it. I Guess we need to call them to see how we can get around that. I'm slammed today, I'll give them a call tomorrow.
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I called them today and this is what I was told:

"If the knowledge test you have is related to a remote pilot renewal, you will not be able to complete that within IACRA. IACRA does not have a renewal option for remote pilots at this time.

I recommend you contact the UAS helpdesk for renewal guidance. They can be reached at:

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 844-359-6982"
I called them today and this is what I was told:

"If the knowledge test you have is related to a remote pilot renewal, you will not be able to complete that within IACRA. IACRA does not have a renewal option for remote pilots at this time.

I recommend you contact the UAS helpdesk for renewal guidance. They can be reached at:

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 844-359-6982"
Well crap, let me know if you find anything else out. I tried calling the helpdesk, looks like they have bankers hours 8am-4pm EST.
Were you provided something from the testing center stating you passed? In manned aviation, when you complete a flight review, you just have a note in your logbook. No new certificate is generated. Where is it said that every 2 years you will get a new RP certificate? I doubt that is the way it will work but if there is official guidance to the contrary somewhere then great, I'd like to read it.

I'm a part 61 PP and have a current Flight review. As I read it, I'm good. No new test, or paperwork other than the aforementioned log book entry.
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Were you provided something from the testing center stating you passed? In manned aviation, when you complete a flight review, you just have a note in your logbook. No new certificate is generated. Where is it said that every 2 years you will get a new RP certificate? I doubt that is the way it will work but if there is official guidance to the contrary somewhere then great, I'd like to read it.

I'm a part 61 PP and have a current Flight review. As I read it, I'm good. No new test, or paperwork other than the aforementioned log book entry.

I am also Part 61 with a current Flight Review. I did take the online course and added the date of my Flight Review it to the Iarca application. Probably in vain. I do agree with you that keeping our Part 61 up to date is all we need to do. No one will get a new RP certificate after the original was issued unless it was lost. I did add this to the Iarca application when prompted.


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