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FAA Grants Approval to Fly Over People for Hensel Phelps Using ParaZero Safety System


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
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Hopefully these large companies doing this testing will trickle down to smaller consumers to where we can show we have the safety system and it's installed on our drone(s) and be allowed to fly over people while doing jobs. This would be a huge boon for the industry in every facet.
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Hopefully these large companies doing this testing will trickle down to smaller consumers to where we can show we have the safety system and it's installed on our drone(s) and be allowed to fly over people while doing jobs. This would be a huge boon for the industry in every facet.
For waivers for ops over people with a parachute system, the FAA requires that the parachute comply with ASTM F3322-18. ParaZero's ASTM compliant SafeAir Phantom is on sale for $1,749 ($1,799 for the SafeAir Mavic 2). ASTM Professional Kit + SafeAir™ Phantom - ParaZero
At ParaZero we are trying to help operators big and small get waivers and approvals. I don't think you need to be a large corporation to afford those systems.
Let me know if you have questions about the product/process.
What is the minimum heightfor a safe deployment?
At 50' will it deploy properly and land safely on somebodies head??
The waiver was granted with a minimum flight altitude over people of 63 feet.
This is calculated based on the the worst-case altitude loss (until the drone slows down) from all 45 aerial deployments in the ASTM test method plus a safety factor (in reality, the average altitude loss is around 30 feet).

Is this a “single use” product, or is it user reloadable?

It depends...

The product is designed to be repacked by the end-user and instructions are included.
The problem is that the ASTM standard requires repacking by the manufacturer. Therefore, if you are planning on applying for a waiver/approval it will have to be repacked by us. (If you repack it yourself, the system is no longer compliant).
So if I'm being paid to do a gig, I have to now include additional charges for repacking?
How much?
then there's shipping cost also, and insurance to cover shipping costs, gezzzzz!?
I doubt you will have a deployment every gig. While critical failures do happen to Phantoms and Mavics occasionally, it is definitely not a daily occurrence. I hope that most of our costumers will never see the parachute deploy,

If for whatever reason you do experience a failure and deployment, we will repack for free (but shipping cost is on the customer).
So for an actual problem deployment you repack for free....less shipping. Good.

There is a SIGNIFICANT price difference between basic kits and the developer set....does the basic kit come with the documentation for wavier submission, or is that only with the more expensive dev kit? I have no intention of doing any dev or need of SDK.....however the certification documentation is certainly required. I’m not going to buy a chute system just for a warm fuzzy.....
I doubt you will have a deployment every gig. While critical failures do happen to Phantoms and Mavics occasionally, it is definitely not a daily occurrence. I hope that most of our costumers will never see the parachute deploy,

If for whatever reason you do experience a failure and deployment, we will repack for free (but shipping cost is on the customer).
Ok, I agree, so for night flights and over people flights extra cost/surcharges need to part of the price.
So for an actual problem deployment you repack for free....less shipping. Good.

There is a SIGNIFICANT price difference between basic kits and the developer set....does the basic kit come with the documentation for wavier submission, or is that only with the more expensive dev kit? I have no intention of doing any dev or need of SDK.....however the certification documentation is certainly required. I’m not going to buy a chute system just for a warm fuzzy.....
While the ASTM Professional Kit does come with a small hardware add-on including a audio-buzzer and strap for RC receiver, the main value of the kit is the documentation that you can then submit to the FAA/CAA. (This documentation is not included in the basic product and it is the key for waivers).
Does the consumer have to file all the paperwork or do you do that for them? That's the question. If you are doing the leg work to get it all filed and walk it through the faa approval process then fine on the price. If not then that's a good chunk of change just to get paperwork.
While the ASTM Professional Kit does come with a small hardware add-on including a audio-buzzer and strap for RC receiver, the main value of the kit is the documentation that you can then submit to the FAA/CAA. (This documentation is not included in the basic product and it is the key for waivers).

So you are selling the certification documentation? Just to be clear here.....
So, the actual hardware assembly is $299.....but the documentation to send to the FAA for a wavier (the whole reason to buy the chute) is an extra $1500.00.

Man, that’s some expensive paper......

Well, think of it like a software license. Just bits and bytes, but still costly, and more importantly, valuable.
Well, think of it like a software license. Just bits and bytes, but still costly, and more importantly, valuable.
Its a parachute. Any software we purchase requires lengthy documentation by their IT/Security. That is part of the certification process. It is also the price of doing business. Call it what it really is; you taking advantage of your customers.
At $1800.00
Issue is ROI.
How many flights are you planning over people annually?
How long is the chute guaranteed for?
Waiver is good for how long, 2 years?
You have to pass the costs to the customer, that's an extra $100.00 if you fly once a month for 18 months.?
Not worth it!
At $1800.00 dollars you can purchase another drone, for a backup.
Its a parachute. Any software we purchase requires lengthy documentation by their IT/Security. That is part of the certification process. It is also the price of doing business. Call it what it really is; you taking advantage of your customers.
You are welcome to purchase the parachute for $299 and test it yourself, or buy an ASTM compliant system for twice the price from one of our competitors (even though ours is the only system to have actually been used successfully in a waiver).
Its a parachute. Any software we purchase requires lengthy documentation by their IT/Security. That is part of the certification process. It is also the price of doing business. Call it what it really is; you taking advantage of your customers.

That's what it seems like to me. It even says it in the article

"UAS operators that purchased the ParaZero SafeAir Phantom ASTM Professional Kit, received the documentation required to demonstrate the compliance of the system "

Soooo, who paid how much to the FAA for them not to universally recognize this system is good to go if somebody purchases it but has to require paperwork that they already have on file proving that it works?

"This waiver represents the first time the FAA has collaborated with industry in developing a publically available standard, worked with an applicant to ensure the testing and data collected acceptably met the standard, and issued a waiver using an industry standard as a basis to determine that a proposed sUAS operation can be safely conducted under the terms and conditions of a waiver under Part 107. "

Except it's not publically available unless you pony up almost 2k. I could see paying for the device at 300. I cannot see paying for paperwork that the FAA already has on file and I can only guess that you ( the company ) put it in your contract with the FAA when "collaborating" that they won't approve any waivers without specific paperwork from you which you are selling at a premium.

"According to the FAA: This process is scalable and available to other applicants who propose to use the same drone and parachute combination. The FAA will require each applicant to provide the testing, documentation, and statement of compliance listed in ASTM3322-18 in their applications using the same drone and parachute combination."

FAA already has this information because you had to give it to them to get the waiver for your parachute. Again it points toward you having a contract with the FAA that they will require paperwork only available from you ( that the FAA already has on file ) which you are selling at a premium.

"“The FAA has demonstrated a truly collaborative approach, through which they help develop the ASTM standard, work together in the UASIPP and provide feedback on the waiver applications and documentation. “said Avi Lozowick, ParaZero’s Vice President of Policy and Strategy."

Well of course you are going to praise them. They gave you license to sell what should be public documentation from the FAA ( since they already have it ) at an exorbitant rate.

"ParaZero CEO, Eden Attias comments: “The approval of this waiver is the goal ParaZero has been striving to achieve for the past two years. A replicable process is key to enable the growth of the UAS industry.” "

What's next for you guys to collaborate with the FAA on and then charge thousands of dollars for? Two stacks of paperwork that the FAA already has on file?

At $1800.00
Issue is ROI.
How many flights are you planning over people annually?
How long is the chute guaranteed for?
Waiver is good for how long, 2 years?
You have to pass the costs to the customer, that's an extra $100.00 if you fly once a month for 18 months.?
Not worth it!
At $1800.00 dollars you can purchase another drone, for a backup.

Don't forget that it's basically a one time use item as the law requires that it's repackaged by the manufacturer as posted by the person selling it in an earlier post. They send you instructions to repack it BUT if you were to get inspected by the FAA or, heaven forbid, it has a malfunction after you pack it yourself and get in the media you are going down big time for breaking the rules i'm sure.

I would have no issues paying 300 for the parachute system since it's already been approved to meet standards by the FAA if that is all that was required to get a waiver to fly over people. It's the paperwork requirement that costs 1500 bucks that is the issue. It seems like you guys are doing what many others do with emerging markets and try to take advantage for that short term pay day. It's sad that the FAA even requires this paperwork since they already have proof that it works due to your collaboration with them.
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