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Florida Drone Use in Education.

Florida Drone Supply

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
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Currently, Florida is operating under Florida Senate Bill 44, but this will most likely will soon change. Several Florida Schools and municipalities have been contacted by the state DMS and told that they must be in compliance with Bill 44. However, Please read bill 60GG as Bill 44 may soon be replaced with Bill 60GG.


60GG-2.0075 : Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Minimum Security Requirements - Florida Administrative Rules, Law, Code, Register - FAC, FAR, eRulemaking

Many of this bill's sections or parts are up for interpretation, so I am creating this forum post as a clearing room and place for group discussion. Interpretation must be done by your department or school as to the pros and cons if you comply with this ruling. some departments and schools have opted not to while others have opted to compile 100%

What is your school doing?


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Several Florida Schools and municipalities have been contacted by the state DMS and told that they must comply with Bill 44. They are also not told that bill 44 will soon be replaced by Bill 60GG
Many of this bill's sections or parts are up for interpretation. The fact is this is a state requirement, not a federal requirement, and it is open to interpretation, if do not comply to this ruling it to my understanding, it has no punishment detailed thus, it is nearly a request or recommendation, not a true requirement. Non-compliance will not result in any loss of funding or a citation.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Lobbyists have paid to have politicians to push DMS to contact each department and inform them or fearmonger them into compliance. I think this was wrong, and DMS is also only notifying people of Bill 44, not 60GG. 60GG will make the Skydio 2, Parrot Anafi Ai, Parrot Anafi USA, and others illegal. If purchased, you will have to start over in a couple of weeks, as the transmission systems and controllers clearly say MADE in CHINA on the back of them. Thus they are not in compliance with 60GG.

My current recommendation is to do nothing and wait till the bill 60GG is finalized. Then coordinate with the education associations to lobby the state to get exemptions and modifications for education.

Have any of your legal departments concluded what the punishment for non-compliance is? or If a contractor that is not in compliance can be used?

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