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Got reported today - kind of distrubing


Active Member
Jan 5, 2018
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I received a call today from a Compliant Officer at Transport Canada, he stated he received a complaint about me that I was flying without an SFOC needed to ask me a few questions. He asked about a specific picture that I took of my granddaughter. I only post pictures that I own and try to show some variety of my inspections and a bit of fun stuff. Someone purposely went on my G+ page to dig up some dirt as so they thought. Apparently, the person who complained, new very specific regulations about SFOC process, a professional. I admit I am no expert but know enough, this person went out of their way to cause harm to me and my business, I can't understand why. I'm a one-man operation and at 62yrs old, I was tired of climbing on roofs, so I purchased a UAV, trained, studied, invested countless hours and money as many of us do to comply with all the regulations. Why this person targeted me, perhaps a competitor, maybe, but I doubt it.

I live in rural Alberta on 6 acres far from anything. Yes, when I took this picture I didn't think I needed an SFOC at the time, it was a beautiful day and just having fun with my granddaughter.

Once the officer confirmed my SFOC, he said "Carry On" and closed the complaint. I'm just hoping I didn't offend someone from my posts on this forum. It's very coincidental.

Let me know what you think of the photo. I've taken all my aerial photos down as I'm now paranoid.

By the way, this place is great, hats off to the minds who put it together.


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Well if you had offended anyone here they didn't report it so don't think it was from here but really can't say for sure and glad it turned out OK .
Nice deck by the way :)
Wow! Really nice deck!! Sorry to hear that someone took it upon themselves to make trouble for you. I'm inclined to agree with dirkclod, doubt it was anyone from here. I would like to think that those of us that frequent this forum would be above something like that.
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I was "turned in" by someone here in my town back in 2016. They called and lodged a complaint stating that I did not have the required FAA Credentials to be doing Commercial UAS work.

At first I thought it was one of my friends playing a joke but after a few minutes I realized this was the real deal and pulled off the road so I could interact with him on the phone better. He asked several questions and confirmed that I have my FAA Pilot's License, FAA Section 333 Exemption, and NC DOT Aviation Division Commercial UAS Permit.

He advised me that whenever there is a complaint they are required to follow up and investigate and he appreciated my time and cooperation.
I'm surprised how well it works or how well you are controlled in the USA. I have doubts? how is it possible they've identified you?

For an inspector to call you on the phone should know who you are?

I ask because in my country the same thing is happening, not like the case of Gord955 which is a personal photo to which I don't give the slightest importance except for the healthy envy that it gives me to see that beautiful terrace with its swimming pool :D

Here even a group of people created a group where they were dedicated to denouncing all those pirates who either work illegally or providing services in black (I don't know if that's how it will be said in English) or denouncing those who, having all the papers in order, carried out flights and services that were not allowed. In 2 years more than 120 files have been opened and a total of more than €500,000 in fines have been imposed.

I understand why they do it and I agree that if I am asked to do a service and I have to refuse it because I cannot do it because it is illegal, why does a smart guy have to come and do it illegally? (now the law has changed, you can make almost all kinds of flights and it's different). Or the other case. If I invest a lot of money, time and effort in having everything in order to do it all legally and suddenly someone appears who without any cost or effort for him to do the work. That's not fair.

This is happening because it is still a very new sector and has to mature in every direction, in knowledge of people and in regulations that protect us who want to do everything legally and be able to work.

Cheer up Gord955, just a little scare. The same thing that scared you, tomorrow will protect you from those who really do things wrong :)

P.D.: What a wonderful terrace, congratulations :D
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's a shame the government in your area would waste your time and theirs on an event as trivial as this.

This is a great shot of your granddaughter and her beautiful environment.

Drive on with your normal routine, chalk it up to someone who is very jealous you have the goods and they don't.
Hope for the best, plan for the worse.
Hi Guys
Thanks for the support, I get it and it's a good thing that the industry has regulations, there are so many UAV violations, most Real Estate agents fly without credentials all the time. Of the hundreds of pictures I take, some I use to promote my roof inspections, to my knowledge I'm the only Home Inspector in my area that uses a UAV, it still bothers me why I was targeted and why they took one picture that they thought violated the regulations. I am very fortunate I live where I do, as I'm able to use my property for training, testing and sharpen my flying skills, it's been a lot of fun. I'm not in competition with any UAV operators as my aerial roof inspections are part of my Home Inspection process, I just adapted and found a safer and more efficient way to perform roof inspections. As we all know the success of our businesses is going to be innovation.

Since you all liked my deck so much, here's a bigger view of my property.


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We've been reported here before as well, TC knows we have SFOC and work within it, after the first check they just ignored further reports. It was a competitor that reported us. It is not a friendly industry by any means. You are far more likely to be reported than have TC investigate you out of the blue.
This sector is like any other. I imagine that there and everywhere there are still people driving cars without a driver's license and safe when it is the most basic. When the problem is alleviated? When the fines begin to fall from the sky without stopping, and of great importance, the news runs like wildfire and then people who do things wrong think twice about it. How many thousands of drones are there right now unregistered everywhere? Little by little things will calm down and whoever really likes this will do all the necessary papers :)
I doubt that there is any grandparent would not want to take such pictures and be proud of them, as you are obviously proud of yours. Not to mention your amazing house.
Having said that I remember some years ago a professional photographer colleague of mine was arrested by the police here in the U.K. for having taken similar images and sent them to his processor who thought they were kiddy porn. Hell of a world we live in. Carry on taking images of your family and be proud of them as we all are proud of our families.
i have also been reported to local police for what they claimed buzzing boats. the cops showed up and stayed of in the distance for a little bit watching. when they came over to talk to me, I got to ask them to wait for a min and as soon as I landed my craft I would talk to them. I even got to ask the one cop to back up so I had 25 feet of clear area to land.

when I landed I gave them my ID my 107 and a copy of my insurance for the area. even though I was not doing any thing wrong they asked me to keep on the ground. since they where cool with me I was cool with them. at the end I did have they say very loud that I was doing illegal and my flying was well within FAA regs.

the cop told me some rich guy on his boat was not happy with me flying over so he reported it. maybe if you don't want to be seen try not being topless in the harbor. lol.
i have also been reported to local police for what they claimed buzzing boats. the cops showed up and stayed of in the distance for a little bit watching. when they came over to talk to me, I got to ask them to wait for a min and as soon as I landed my craft I would talk to them. I even got to ask the one cop to back up so I had 25 feet of clear area to land.

when I landed I gave them my ID my 107 and a copy of my insurance for the area. even though I was not doing any thing wrong they asked me to keep on the ground. since they where cool with me I was cool with them. at the end I did have they say very loud that I was doing illegal and my flying was well within FAA regs.

the cop told me some rich guy on his boat was not happy with me flying over so he reported it. maybe if you don't want to be seen try not being topless in the harbor. lol.

I believe that this is a clear example of what ignorance does with respect to the right to privacy. And it's something we have to be very careful and respectful of.

People are not aware of the number of cameras that record them these days doing anything, shopping in the supermarket, walking on the street, driving along the road, etc., and they don't care because they don't see or understand that there is someone behind them, or that they are a company. However, when it comes to drones they do understand that there is a person behind them and that they shouldn't be too far away, they have a clear objective to attack when they believe their rights are being violated.

Another thing they don't understand is that the airspace is not their property, the ground is your property, the airspace is not theirs. "Everything behind this fence is mine and you can't even fly through here." This is a problem we already have today and I think we will have "forever". If no one knows what I have here, can't anyone come and take it from me? There have been many videos where the drones are shot down.......

In my opinion, we as pilots, no matter how much we have the right to fly, we have to be careful with the privacy of people, especially if we fly over their properties. In the case that The Wright Choice UAV comments if it is about a boat that is in a port that is public is the same as if you are inside a car on a public street, the car is private but you are in a public area, it is the same.

We have to learn to deal with these situations :cool:

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