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GPS Testing Colorado

Thanks! Another good reason to be licensed - we're checking NOTAMS. The Front Range hobby fliers won't have a clue what's happening or why they're having GPS issues.
Well they were doing GPS testing at Eglin Air Force Base this past summer and they had my area in the radius. We flew cautiously at first but after a while it never affected our drones. I’m not saying to do the same in Colorado because it could be different. Fly at your own risk! We had a so called expert to tell us in The Mavic Forum that it shouldn’t be a problem and what would most likely happen on a “return to home”would be the drone would be possibly 25 to 50 feet off its home point if it was off at all. If your dtone is only that far off course you’d pick it up cancel RTH and fly
It in. That was his take as someone who works with GPS testing.

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