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Greetings from the deserts of Phoenix, Az


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
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Phoenix, AZ
I've been using the 3DR Solo since it came out in 2015, for real estate video, roof inspections, inspections of vehicles stranded in flooded washes, locating and inspecting off road vehicles stuck in difficult to reach terrain, etc.

Looking forward to sharing business and equipment ideas with other professionals.

Despite a rocky start, it has become a stellar performer thanks to upgrades from 3rd party developers.

I developed an anti-collision lighting system for Solo which I have been selling on www.3drpilots.com., where I have been a member for about 2 years. As far as I know, there is no other system like it on the market.

Brite Lite anti-collision lighting

I would like to modify it for use on DJI drones but I don't have access to one to do so. Seems like getting power will be the biggest challenge as I don't think any of them have an external accessory port.

If any DJI owner would like to assist me with this, I would welcome any and all help!

P.S.- I really could use that Phantom 4 giveaway for research.:)
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