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Hello from Plymouth Devon

Kevin Waite

New Member
Jan 5, 2018
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Hi I'm Kevin
I've been flying all types of rc aircraft for much longer than I care to remember and building and flying multirotors for over 10 years. After being asked on many occasions to do flying/filming jobs for people and having to say no or doing them for free. I've just submitted to the CAA my application for my PFCO, having passed my ground school with UAV Academy and already holding a BMFA B multirotor flight test qualification. Must admit hitting the classroom for the first time in 36 years was a bit of a shock to the system, but was chuffed to bits with my ground school results. Ops manual was also a bit of a nightmare. Just a waiting game now for my approval and hoping for some better weather.
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge, for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.
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It is fun to learn. I turned 60 last year and acquired two new certifications.
Studying has certainly changed since I was last in school
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It is fun to learn. I turned 60 last year and acquired two new certifications.
Studying has certainly changed since I was last in school
I agree, I am always learning new things. I think the difference is from an awful long time ago at school. I paid a lot of money for the course and equipment I own and it's something I want to do and have a passion for.
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