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Hello from the Bay Area!


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Oct 16, 2022
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Bay Area
My name is Kyle and I've been flying drones for many years. So far, I've flown to record college soccer games from a distance, inspect the inside an aircraft carriers's ballast tanks, and other weird jobs. I graduated with a CS degree and I'm passionate about computer vision, drones, and automation. These combined interests led me to create a company to explore building a platform to import drone data, run computer vision algorithms to analyze the data, and generate reports from the outputs of the algorithms. However, the drone software market seems extremely congested and competitive - i.e. Drone Base, Drone Deploy, Aquiline Drones, etc. Are there any markets in this industry that you would say are currently untapped by this competition? I was wondering if you guys could guide me towards the right direction. Thanks!
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I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . Thumbswayup
My name is Kyle and I've been flying drones for many years. So far, I've flown to record college soccer games from a distance, inspect the inside an aircraft carriers's ballast tanks, and other weird jobs. I graduated with a CS degree and I'm passionate about computer vision, drones, and automation. These combined interests led me to create a company to explore building a platform to import drone data, run computer vision algorithms to analyze the data, and generate reports from the outputs of the algorithms. However, the drone software market seems extremely congested and competitive - i.e. Drone Base, Drone Deploy, Aquiline Drones, etc. Are there any markets in this industry that you would say are currently untapped by this competition? I was wondering if you guys could guide me towards the right direction. Thanks!
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum!

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