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Hello from the Flitelab - Halifax NS Canada


Jan 15, 2018
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Nice to see another commercial centric UAV site. We've been operating as a commercial UAV imaging provider and consultant now for 5+ years.

We also run a blog on Canadian regulations, SFOCs, and related as well as offer SFOC consulting services.
in the flitelab

If you have questions on the SFOC process or need assistance let us know. We've done SFOCs from coast to coast for all sizes of clients.
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Welcome to our newest forum .
Take a little time and look around all our subforums to find what suits you and besure to read our Guidelines and ask if you have any questions in a message to any of the staff .
Enjoy all the knowledge members have to offer .

Also be sure and visit this thread CDP Giveaway - Phantom 4 Pro... :)
I am new to the forum and look forward to the interchange of knowledge and experience made available by seasoned Drone Pilots.
I have been involved in Documentary Wildlife Filming in South Africa on the Largest Rhino Sanctuary of the World - 1 400 Rhino!
Awesome experience and an opportunity to engage 'up close and personal' with these endangered beasts.
I enjoyed capturing some of the most impressive footage.
Unfortunately, my business partner 'did me in' good and proper, and the project has now stalled - just when I was ready to take the Series to the market- sad day for the Rhino!
Now I am moving on to Commercial and Real Estate, among other areas, and look forward to the cross-pollination of expertise.
PS. I suggest a dedicated, linked, site where we can upload and share 2 to 5 minutes raw (watermarked if required) footage of unique, or otherwise, owned content.
Hello and welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.
Hello @flitelab & @Eddie Margoczi,
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.

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