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How to do photo panorama - Matrice 210


New Member
Jul 16, 2024
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Hello, first time poster and moderately experienced commercial pilot...
I do a lot of photogrammetry / orthomosaics using our DJI Matrice 210 RTK V2 and Pix4D.
Recently, a client asked if we could do a fly by of a portion of coastline in our area, record a video of it, but also takes overlapping pictures of the coastline and stitch them together to create a large linear panoramic photo. Were talking about a frontal view of the coastline, not an overhead view like we would take in a photogrammetric survey.

Is there a way to program a flight in DJI Pilot that would do that? So far only a waypoint flight would allow this, but it seem to be requiring a waypoint for each photo. I would like to just program the flight path and tell it to shoot with an xy gimbal orientation and with an overlap of x %.

Also, if I manage to make this automated flight happen, what is the best way to stitch it all together afterwards? Pix4D? LightRoom? Or something else?

Thanks in advance for the help!
DjI Pilot app does allow you to custom angle the gimbal for a mapping mission. I use it sometimes on large Solar arrays to avoid sun glare off the modules. I use DD for all my visible and thermal map stitching. DD also has a nice corridor mapping mission you can use. Not sure if the DD app allows for any adjustments other than Nadir when flying mapping missions, but would think it does. Just haven't looked yet. You can also sign up for a free trial offer for DD at no cost.
If you are doing it showing the moving water and waves breaking on shore you are going to have difficulty stitching them so the water doesn’t look strange and cut up. Why not fly it manually and take rapid shots?

Microsoft ICE and Hugin do pretty well with large and difficult to stitch panos. ICE was discontinued but still available on GitHub, and I think Hugin requires a subscription now.

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