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Howdy, from Gun Barrel City Texas


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
mabank TX
Just wanted to say "Hi" and see if anyone else here may be close by. I am working on my 107, using the gold seal school. I am using a Phantom 3 standard as I learn to fly it manually and play around with the litchi app. I will be upgrading the drone later after I get my 107.
I was curious if ya'll use and android device or apple?
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Welcome to newest forum Bob.
Though not 107 I use a 9.7 iPad as
the brand i fly like yourself seems to prefer iOS
and I really just like Apple .
Just wanted to say "Hi" and see if anyone else here may be close by. I am working on my 107, using the gold seal school. I am using a Phantom 3 standard as I learn to fly it manually and play around with the litchi app. I will be upgrading the drone later after I get my 107.
I was curious if ya'll use and android device or apple?
  • Hi Bob just joined today . I fly a couple of DJI Phantoms now may pick up a mavic pro platinum this quarter. Apple is the way to go I use a Ipad mini 4 with gps. Have tried the android not as good at all.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
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Apple products here
I use iPads 9.7 Pro since it seems to handle summer heat better. Using the X-Naut iPad Cooling Case System| Cool iPad Cases |X-Naut on the really hot days here in Arizona. But also a Pixel android phone

But recent have started using CrystalSky. So far I am impressed with them and the ability to see the screen in bright light without a sunshade. I just wish it was easier to use 3rd party apps with it.

Guess the best answer is to use the best one for the job. I have some apps that are available only on one platform or the other. So the mission dictates the choice.
Hello and welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.

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