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I got my finger on the sell button for my M30T. Am I crazy?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2023
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Knoxville, TN
So I got the M30T at the end of July and had goals of first responder work (had an actual approved proposal with the local FD), regional SAR volunteering and also commercial thermal work down the road. Well right at the end of July, our lovely Tennessee Reps passed the ban to ground all purchases or use of any Chinese drone under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019. I kinda knew that was on the table but figured it would get shot down plus, I knew I could still use the M30T in other areas.

Now that those doors have closed and can't work with the FD or local LE, I'm considering downgrading (in a good way) to the M3T. It's basically just as capable but on a lighter frame (easier to carry) and don't need dual hot swappable batteries and a 200x zoom. I've made $2000 with the drone since I bought it but none of the work was thermal and I only needed one set of batteries for both jobs. Besides future thermal work, I'll still be taking on regular video work and the 30T is lacking in that area with picture and video quality, manual camera settings, 3rd part apps and film-style tracking moves. Don't get me wrong, I know it's an unbelievable workhorse for SAR and commercial work and I knew those were its highlights, I just thought I could make it work for everything. Now I just feel the 3T will better suit my needs.

So I have the listing ready to go on the other tab and just have to take everything to FedEx in the morning for a shipping estimate but I also kinda feel like I'm just frustrated about the SAR work going bye bye and want to sell it for a smaller one. Yes it's just a little over 2 months old and I'm gonna take a hit on the re-sale but I'm okay with it if it means I'm not dragging around a pretty big package but still getting a very capable drone that'll do what I need. I at least purchased it when it first dropped to $9600 so if I do sell it, I won't be crying in my beer because I bought in at the $15,000 price point for just the drone & controller package. What do you think? Ty.
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I'm in the same situation in Florida. The beginning of this year initiated the DJI exclusion laws. Before that I was working with fire departments, sheriff's units, and other state agencies. But that's all done now. I do some private search and rescue for both people and a lot for pets but I agree with you, that's a lot of money for those kind of volunteer jobs. I'm also considering getting the m30t because it's a lot lighter and easier to carry around when I travel.
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Such a shame to have these kind of knee jerk laws. Don’t tell those lawmakers most of their cellphones were made in China. What can of worms would that open?!
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Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee. Any of these yours? 😁 This obviously applies to public service sectors and not civilians and regular pilots.

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