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In search of water proof drone


Aug 10, 2022
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I am looking for advice. I need a drone that is water proof and has enough power to drag a small rope up to 500' to 600' across rivers, lakes and ponds. I build aerial fiber optic lines and we often have to pull cables across water which requires us to pull a rope first. I have been using a beginner drone i bought on Amazon which has worked ok but its time to upgrade to something with more power. I am not familiar with which brands are good quality. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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I am looking for advice. I need a drone that is water proof and has enough power to drag a small rope up to 500' to 600' across rivers, lakes and ponds. I build aerial fiber optic lines and we often have to pull cables across water which requires us to pull a rope first. I have been using a beginner drone i bought on Amazon which has worked ok but its time to upgrade to something with more power. I am not familiar with which brands are good quality. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama, welcome to the forum!
One thing you might consider is a Phantom 4 Pro with a wet suit. One of our Phantom users sells them
Thank you for your reply. I found a drone I am interested in. Are you familiar with the Swellpro fishing drone
Yes. It's an ok drone if that's all you are going to use it for. The Phantom 4 has the same or just a bit more payload capacity but it has an excellent camera and other features. Best of luck in your endeavors.
Yes. It's an ok drone if that's all you are going to use it for. The Phantom 4 has the same or just a bit more payload capacity but it has an excellent camera and other features. Best of luck in your
Yes. It's an ok drone if that's all you are going to use it for. The Phantom 4 has the same or just a bit more payload capacity but it has an excellent camera and other features. Best of luck in your endeavors.
Does the phantom 4 have an accessory that a rope can be attracted and dropped
Does the phantom 4 have an accessory that will allow me to attach a rope and drop it
Swell Pro is junk. If you want true waterproof, then consider Gannet. The problem there is going to be budget. They are not cheap.

I hope you find this helpful and good luck to you.
I would go with an older model Phantom or Mavic, with an aftermarket "wetsuit" and a fishing line release. You'll find one lightly used with a pelican style case with foam cut outs that will be easy for transporting for work in vehicles etc.

Go for "splashproof" rather than waterproof, and try to keep it out of the water.
I am looking for advice. I need a drone that is water proof and has enough power to drag a small rope up to 500' to 600' across rivers, lakes and ponds. I build aerial fiber optic lines and we often have to pull cables across water which requires us to pull a rope first.

Fairly old thread, but I'll add my 2 cents. I'm not sure it will be possible to drag a small rope for that distance. The further you drag that line, the heavier the total weight and friction will become. I would try dragging a small nylon cord across first, then manually pull attached rope across, and then attached cable to complete the process.
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