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Incident Over Water? Getterback

Dave Pitman

Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2017
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Washington State
Many of you are probably already aware of using a product called a Getterback for operating over water. Originally designed for use on fishing rods, the device has gained a good following with RCers. I have used them for years when flying over water.

I recently went to the product website and found that the original version (yellow color) of the product that I am currently using is unfortunately of an inferior manufacture. The product is now manufactured to a higher spec according to the developer. There is VIDEO PROOF that the old models work, but according to the developer, results could be iffy and he recommends the new design. If you have the old ones, like I do, then you will have to decide if you want to continue trusting them or spring for a set of the new ones (florescent yellow with a quad on the wrapper).

The developer is also working on an advanced model that will include an LED and small transceiver in the float in order to make locating it in open water possible.

The OLD and NEW models are shown below.

old-model.jpg new-model.jpg
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I've had one installed for over a year - never used it so far, knock on wood. In the original instructions - I believe it was; it was mentioned that in colder water it could take longer to deploy, so I'm guessing they have addressed this in the new model. As I do most of my flying in Florida I don't think it's going to affect operations here. However it is interesting to note how the price went from 15 bucks to 40 when the UAV crowd started using these.
As. I said, good for a salvage operation only. I would never put it back in the air after a water bath. That is, even it would fly again.

I agree 100%. I would only salvage the SD Card (hope to get data off) and props etc. Battery and the Aircraft are of no value. But the one I found last week is now in my "Display Case" just because it was so cool to find it after so many months.

I stress that this is indeed for SALVAGE only and not to try and get the aircraft back in the air.
I agree 100%. I would only salvage the SD Card (hope to get data off) and props etc. Battery and the Aircraft are of no value. But the one I found last week is now in my "Display Case" just because it was so cool to find it after so many months.

I stress that this is indeed for SALVAGE only and not to try and get the aircraft back in the air.

Here is my one crash (on dry land) never had a water incident. I was practicing flying via instruments at the local gravel bank. Being the good boy that I am :) I was at 65' AGL flying large circles, Large Gravel Bank, The Military use it for C 130 cargo drops and the SF Guys do their Jumps there from Chinooks. Here I am buzzing along watching my icon in the radar circle and a quick glance and there was the pine tree, to late. Found it up in the tree top with find my drone and left it there over night. I get a call from a guy that said he found my Phantom a bit banged up and he was taking it back to FL. Nice of him to let me know it had a new home.
Here is my one crash (on dry land) never had a water incident. I was practicing flying via instruments at the local gravel bank. Being the good boy that I am :) I was at 65' AGL flying large circles, Large Gravel Bank, The Military use it for C 130 cargo drops and the SF Guys do their Jumps there from Chinooks. Here I am buzzing along watching my icon in the radar circle and a quick glance and there was the pine tree, to late. Found it up in the tree top with find my drone and left it there over night. I get a call from a guy that said he found my Phantom a bit banged up and he was taking it back to FL. Nice of him to let me know it had a new home.
Any idea where in Florida? Do you still have his phone# that he contacted you on? If close by I may pay him a visit. He has stolen a registered FAA aircraft, I would assume that could be a federal offense?
FAA says drones fall into the category of 'aircraft'
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Any idea where in Florida? Do you still have his phone# that he contacted you on? If close by I may pay him a visit. He has stolen a registered FAA aircraft, I would assume that could be a federal offense?
FAA says drones fall into the category of 'aircraft'

They are but the FAA weighs each case one-by-one and then makes the decision whether to refer it (or not.... usually NOT) to the Justice Department. I don't think a "stolen sUAS" is going to show up on the DOJ radar any time soon. I'm afraid the "Aircraft" designation will only come into play should the FAA need to levy penalties against a sUAS operator. Kind of a one sided standard unfortunately.
Any idea where in Florida? Do you still have his phone# that he contacted you on? If close by I may pay him a visit. He has stolen a registered FAA aircraft, I would assume that could be a federal offense?
FAA says drones fall into the category of 'aircraft'

I have no idea, I chalk it up as a loss.It was banged up and of no use to me. If it is not air worthy I don't want it. I would have liked m ySD Card tough.
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They are but the FAA weighs each case one-by-one and then makes the decision whether to refer it (or not.... usually NOT) to the Justice Department. I don't think a "stolen sUAS" is going to show up on the DOJ radar any time soon. I'm afraid the "Aircraft" designation will only come into play should the FAA need to levy penalties against a sUAS operator. Kind of a one sided standard unfortunately.
So true, this would be something for Barney Fife to pursue.
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