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Inverter Generators


Feb 16, 2019
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Atlanta, GA
Hello fellow droners,
I'm looking to acquire a small inverter generator to use with a multi battery charger for the occasional times I'm in the field all day. I'm looking to recharge my P4P batteries three at a time. Has anybody had any experience with the following units:
**Sportsman Model 802085 (1000/800 watt)
**WEN Model 56125i (1250 watt)
**LiFan Model ESI860i (700/600watt)
I've never used any of those but we had an inverter Hard Wired into our vehicle and we can charge batteries for hours without starting the motor plus we can charge while enroute to a job/scene as well.

Just make sure whatever you get is large enough to do EVERYTHING you want it to do.
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Hello fellow droners,
I'm looking to acquire a small inverter generator to use with a multi battery charger for the occasional times I'm in the field all day. I'm looking to recharge my P4P batteries three at a time. Has anybody had any experience with the following units:
**Sportsman Model 802085 (1000/800 watt)
**WEN Model 56125i (1250 watt)
**LiFan Model ESI860i (700/600watt)
As with BigAl07 my Toyota has a built in inverter. I do Electrical and electronics work on some of the larger private yachts and I use either a Zantrex or Charles inverters. As far as Watts go 1800w should be way more that enough for you charger, probably more that you need . You would be able to charge you radios, cell phones, drone batteries and make coffee all at the same time, even run your computor. The real deal is your battery. Inverters were designed to work off a "DEEP CYCLE" Battery!! You can use a starting battery but they don't like it. Starting batteries have a lot of thin plates allowing the current to past quickly thru the battery for a surge of power that a starter would need. A deep cycle battery has fewer plates but they are much thicker and have a more constant lower amp discharge that the inverter can work with better. What ever you get make sure that it is a Pure Sign Wave inverter.
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Reactions: lou101 and BigAl07
Hello fellow droners,
I'm looking to acquire a small inverter generator to use with a multi battery charger for the occasional times I'm in the field all day. I'm looking to recharge my P4P batteries three at a time. Has anybody had any experience with the following units:
**Sportsman Model 802085 (1000/800 watt)
**WEN Model 56125i (1250 watt)
**LiFan Model ESI860i (700/600watt)

I had the same issue a few weeks back. A co-worker let me use his Honda EU1000 (little more expensive then what you've asked about) and let me tell you - AMAZING! I've been using it with the Colorado Drone Charger PRCS with 4 TB55s and 2 WB37 without an issue. Takes 2 pulls to start and runs all day on 1 tank of gas. The CDC PRCS charges all at once so by the time we are ready to move locations the batteries are nearly all charged.

If you're trying to charge multiple from the 'round-robin' chargers, then I would recommend just getting an inverter like the others recommended. I can tell you first hand that the generator will become too much of a pain in the *** to unload, start, hook-up, ... fly ... realize it's *almost* 100% so you sit around and waste time as 'its only a few more min until it's 100%' Then stop generator, unhook, load up, drive to next spot, unload - rinse repeat.
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I use my OEM inverter on 2500HD. Gotta let the diesel run, but it charges batteries fine. I have since purchased a Tailgator from Harbor Freight. I’m on scene with fire/rescue and most of the time I’m away from command out in the field. The small Tailgator will allow me to charge without the truck running.

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