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Just saying hello from Scotland!

Kenneth Sands

Jan 15, 2018
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I’m Kenneth Sands, Professional Broadcast Cameraman and PFCO holder based near Glasgow, Scotland.
Have been a Commercial UAV Pilot since August 2016.
I am on the BBC Approved UAS Operators List, am signed up to DroneSafe Register and ARPAS.
I’ve had very little Aerial work, surprisingly, as I produce very good images.
This, I feel, could be due to a saturated market filled with illegal operators undercutting the current market rates and most of the good work going to two/three big companies up here that have been doing aerial UAV work for a lot longer than myself.
Hoping 2018 will be a better year for me so that I can upgrade to an Inspire2, X7 and Cendence Controller.
Welcome Kenneth, I think I beat you by 10 minutes.
It’s just the same down here in Dorset, lots of unlicensed operators. I find estate agents the worst. You will find aerial shots in the local press helping to market property, but the estate agent will rarely tell you who took the photos.
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Welcome to our newest forum .
Take a little time and look around all our subforums to find what suits you and besure to read our Guidelines and ask if you have any questions in a message to any of the staff .
Enjoy all the knowledge members have to offer .

Also be sure and visit this thread CDP Giveaway - Phantom 4 Pro... :)
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Welcome Kenneth, I think I beat you by 10 minutes.
It’s just the same down here in Dorset, lots of unlicensed operators. I find estate agents the worst. You will find aerial shots in the local press helping to market property, but the estate agent will rarely tell you who took the photos.
I'm really glad that the CAA are increasing costs so that more funds can be put into policing such illegality..;)
Hello and welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.

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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.
Thank You.
I’m Kenneth Sands, Professional Broadcast Cameraman and PFCO holder based near Glasgow, Scotland.
Have been a Commercial UAV Pilot since August 2016.
I am on the BBC Approved UAS Operators List, am signed up to DroneSafe Register and ARPAS.
I’ve had very little Aerial work, surprisingly, as I produce very good images.
This, I feel, could be due to a saturated market filled with illegal operators undercutting the current market rates and most of the good work going to two/three big companies up here that have been doing aerial UAV work for a lot longer than myself.
Hoping 2018 will be a better year for me so that I can upgrade to an Inspire2, X7 and Cendence Controller.

Hi Kenneth,

I'm attempting to gain access to this industry after obtaining CAA PFCO in October of last year.
I presently operate from Fife.
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