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Civil twilight and flying over people (crowd) could be a thing in the pass once the proposed new rule passes.
"The Department of Transportation made three major announcements Monday: it proposed regulations to allow drone operators to fly over people as well as at night WITHOUT a waiver or an exemption; "
Not sure what you mean...
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Like it said. It's just a proposal. If they are going to start asking John Q Public their take on drones it might be detrimental to us drone pilots. You know how paranoid the public is of drones. o_O
Sure. No waivers IF you have the required equipment, such as caged rotors or other requirements. Don't think our current models will qualify for any of this, but probably future designs.
I interpreted this as a good thing. Meaning pilots will be able to do these things without having to apply for a waiver. How would this be bad?
The draft is a dry read, but this is our business so everyone who would benefit from utilizing these proposals please read it all. It’s far from a “just go fly over people “ rule change. Much has to be done on the manufacturing side alone. I wouldn’t expect any new opportunities for at least a year or more. Probably more.
Night time would be good for those of us flying public safety.....as well as over people during SAR ops, traffic accidents, etc.
Night time would be good for those of us flying public safety.....as well as over people during SAR ops, traffic accidents, etc.

Get your COA and have those abilities built into it. If you already have your COA and didn't get those built into it you can utilize the SGI at the time of an incident to get a temporary authorization for those actions. It's very quick and relatively painless if you already have your ducks in a row.
Aware of the SGI. Posted procedures a while back.

Read through the draft regs yesterday. I don’t have a drone that fits flying over people. Gonna see a new type of drone if those regs come out.
Aware of the SGI. Posted procedures a while back.

Read through the draft regs yesterday. I don’t have a drone that fits flying over people. Gonna see a new type of drone if those regs come out.
Have specifics draft regs on the drone technical aspects for 107.39 published? Besides the above article?
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Much has to be done on the manufacturing side alone. I wouldn’t expect any new opportunities for at least a year or more. Probably more.

Aware of the SGI. Posted procedures a while back.

Read through the draft regs yesterday. I don’t have a drone that fits flying over people. Gonna see a new type of drone if those regs come out.

I believe one class will be as easy as caged props, available for the Mavic Pro now and I bet for a lot more craft soon.


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