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Looking for a piece of software...

Bentley Systems Context Capture and Harris Geospatial ENVI Deep Learning Module - both have deep learning/machine learning aspects. ENVI works with ESRI.

You'd have to train them on the objects, but those are the closest (commercially available) we've seen to accomplishing your task (we are only image acquisition and pass them onto folks that use these programs).

In our use these are referred to as change detection solutions - detecting/counting cars in parking lots/freeways during different times of day (these were for traffic studies and business park planning), looking a ground movement (landslides, encroaching on rights of way/pipelines), counting the ebb and flow of containers in ports, etc.

I have 94 images (10GB - Phase One 100MP aerial images @ 3cm/GSD) of a "harbor with boats and two parking lots" if that helps with your testing. Let me know and I'll send you a link.
What you need is a software that does Object Recognition. This will break down your object(cars) and create kernels 3×3 or otherwise to automatically count your cars.
For the purpose of this conversation, let’s assume that I work for a large, well known automobile manufacturer, and flying a drone is only part of my job responsibilities. Let’s also assume that the drone program is still in its infancy (less than 3 months old), and we are looking for ways to expand our usefulness and value.

Given all that, I’m wondering if there is a way I can fly a path and take pictures over our storage lots, then use software to stitch those pictures together and get an accurate count of the vehicles in that lot. Bonus points if that can be broken down by colors, and even more bonus points if it can break down by color and sunroof.

Any ideas? Outside the obvious that I’m likely out of my ever-lovin’ mind?
So......this large automobile manufacturer doesn't have accurate infantry records?
Carry on......

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