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M210 RTK V2 - Weak RTK Signal After Firmware Upgrade


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Reaction score
Central Washington, USA
Anyone else getting a weak RTK signal and thus not allowing takeoff when using RTK on the M210 V2 RTK after the latest update? I found a hack/workaround to this but still not happy that this update broke my otherwise solid working drone....The hack is to take off before mission flight, then go to mission to start (in Pilot), then I get a good signal and am able to start the mission flight. It's like the ground is interfering with the RTK calibration. I have tried in different locations and am getting the same problem so it's not a location/signal interuption problem.
I didn't have an elevated platform, but will give this a try. Still doesn't answer the question as to why this update caused this....
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@JustinR Yes, I've had that issue but, I figured I was doing something wrong. The RTK has caused me more, 'WTH?' moments.

On a side note: I *HATE* the fact 80% of the cendence buttons are not programmable the v2/Pilot. I want to use those sliders!
So an update on my trials and tribulations. It turns out, accidentally switching the grey switch on the back of the drone will make or break your RTK connection. this is the usb mode switch. I'm not sure how it happened, might have been my VO who switched it off when I told him to reset a connection to the RTK unit, instead of pushing the round reset button near it. Anyways, keep it to the left and you won't have this problem. I hope this saves someone the headache down the road. I assume this switch is used when using an external antenna when top mounting a camera.
HI I'm also having this problem, I have the switch turned to the left under the cover but I'm still getting the weak signal, and then when trying to take off RTK status is Abnormal so won't allow a take off. i'v spent a few days trying different things to get it to work, and getting no joy, currently downgrading the Firmwear on the base to one I know works until I can find a fix for the new firmware.

** Update** downgraded the Firmwear and it all works perfectly no settings changed, so am I missing something?

if anyone has any more ideas on how to fix please let me know.
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Since downgrading and upgrading back to the latest firmware, I haven't had this issue again....But I definitely make sure and start the drone away from interferences like vehicles (tried starting from on top of the tonneau cover with no luck) and then make sure the back switch is in the correct position and haven't had a problem.?
Hi guys, I'm having the exact same issue with the same RPA. For me it started to happen from version 1.6.1 onwards. Haven't tried downgrading firmware as I'd hoped it would be fixed in V1.7 but no luck. Had performed over 50 flights prior to this update with no issues at all.
Has anyone logged this with DJI support? Seems like there's some sort of bug in the firmware.

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