Since we all are, or are aspiring to be, commercial drone operators we fall under 14 CFR Part 107. As an A&P I can tell you that Parts 91 and 135 do not apply to drones.
Chapter 7 in Advisory Circular 107-2 outlines required maintenance for sUAS aircraft. Par. 7.3.4 gives a suggested pre-flight checklist. Appendix C gives a best practice scheduled inspection checklist.
As with manned aircraft, AC 107.2 defers scheduled maintenance to the aircraft manufacturer. Par. 7.2 states, “Whenever possible, the operator should maintain the sUAS and its components in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The aircraft manufacturer may provide the maintenance program, or, if one is not provided, the applicant may choose to develop one”.
It does not specify a time-in-service limit for scheduled maintenance but again defers to the aircraft manufacturer. If the aircraft manufacturer does not provide one then it is up to the operator. IMHO, as colinjfischer posted, I think a 25 hour inspection interval is a good place to start.
Hope this helps, Red