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Many Thanks for establishing the Commercial Drone Pilots Website


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
Rhode Island
I, and, I am sure many others welcome this website. It is something that I have been searching for since I started flying years back. A site dedicated to licensed Remote Pilots is such a great idea and I am sure a huge undertaking. I have already found a great wealth of information while browsing here and reading the posts of a great bunch of pilots with one thing in mind and that is to share information and help others. I am sure this site will be a huge success. Questions answered, experiences, equipment, rules and regulations, tests, licensing, what a utopia of information and years of experience.
Thank you goes out to all of you the made this possible and all that contribute.
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.
Hello and welcome to the Commercial Drone Pilots forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.

If you haven't already done so, consider adding your LOCATION to your forum profile to help us know where you are when you post suggestions or ask for assistance. It helps a lot more than you might think especially because this is an international forum with members from all parts of the world. Here's a direct link to yours:


It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CommercialDronePilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in the commercial drone field.

Thank you TJ. I have been looking for a site such as this for quite a while. I read the notice in the Phantom Pilots Forum. I am sure that we will enjoy a great relationship. If I can help in any way feel free to ask.
Hello and welcome to the Commercial Drone Pilots forum. We are glad to have you on board. I'm confident you'll find lots of helpful and enlightening information throughout this forum.

If you haven't already done so, consider adding your LOCATION to your forum profile to help us know where you are when you post suggestions or ask for assistance. It helps a lot more than you might think especially because this is an international forum with members from all parts of the world. Here's a direct link to yours:



Thank you Allen. What a great bunch of folks all with the same passion.
Welcome to our newest forum .
Take a little time and look around all our subforums to find what suits you and besure to read our Guidelines and ask if you have any questions in a message to any of the staff .
Enjoy all the knowledge members have to offer .

Also be sure and visit this thread CDP Giveaway - Phantom 4 Pro... :)
Welcome to our newest forum .
Take a little time and look around all our subforums to find what suits you and besure to read our Guidelines and ask if you have any questions in a message to any of the staff .
Enjoy all the knowledge members have to offer .

Also be sure and visit this thread CDP Giveaway - Phantom 4 Pro... :)

Thank you, there is plenty here that is perfect for the Part 107 people. Again, I appreciate the effort that went into this site and it is just what I have been looking for and the time that I have spent on here so far has been a great experience.
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