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Map Pilot and Mavic pro


Jan 9, 2018
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Hi all! Thinking to use my Mavic Pro for mapping some construction projects, with Map Pilots, any Issues that I should be aware of? My I1 work perfects, is the Battery time of Mavic that make it and interesting option.
Hi all! Thinking to use my Mavic Pro for mapping some construction projects, with Map Pilots, any Issues that I should be aware of? My I1 work perfects, is the Battery time of Mavic that make it and interesting option.
I did quite a few tests with my mavic while I had it and found the biggest problems to be that the jpeg compression is very bad and causes a watercolor effect that made details look very bad if flown over about 100' and the accuracy of maps took a hit as well. This can be fixed by shooting raw/dng format instead but most apps dont support that format and it tales significantly longer to store those images so your flight has to be at a very slow speed. Another issue is the gimal is somewhat inconsistent so I found the need to calibrate it on a level surface(with arms folded in) right before every mapping flight and even then it wouldn't be pointing straight down the entire flight which effects overlap and negatively effects map accuracy. Now one thing I shloud mention is that I'm a land surveyor and I require my orthomosaics to be accurate to within half an inch which wasnt possible with the mavic. however if you dont need that type of accuracy and are just producing an ortho for monitoring the progress of a site and dont need accurate measurements to be taken with it than it could be a decent option.
@marg2 I understand you already have a Mavic and are just asking about using that. But I thought I would share a recent post on Drone Deploy comparing the output of a P4P with a Mavic Pro. The MP is a fun craft, but if you really want to bump up your otho quality with the same ease and flight time, the p4p should be on your radar. The larger sensor and mechanical shutter makes a big difference for mapping.
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Thanks Dave: Most of my maps have been done with my inspire1, is just a Mavic will is more as, a quick launch to do a basic map to approach future customer, my concerns is the reability of map pilots to work with the Mavic telemetry, heard case when map pilot thought mavic was out of batt and landed in the middle of nowhere
Thanks again
Thanks Dave: Most of my maps have been done with my inspire1, is just a Mavic will is more as, a quick launch to do a basic map to approach future customer, my concerns is the reability of map pilots to work with the Mavic telemetry, heard case when map pilot thought mavic was out of batt and landed in the middle of nowhere
Thanks again
If you're worried about Map pilot I can tell you that the DJI GS PRO app will control your mavic perfectly without issue, however since it keeps the drone facing 1 way the entire flight the gimbal inconsistencies are exaggerated so be sure to calibrate your gimbal on a completely level surface before mapping flights. If you haven't already purchased a mavic I'd like to give you some thinking points...
First you said the battery life is what attracts you however in real flight time I was getting about 18 minutes of flight down to 20% which is about the same I get with my inspire 1 with the x3 camera and a tb48 battery so you might be slightly disappointed.
Second for the price of a new mavic you can buy a used phantom 4 pro and have a great mapping drone with longer flight times than an inspire or mavic, 20MP images, a mechanical shutter and the ability to use 5.8ghz Wi-Fi frequency if 2.4ghz has to much interference.

Besides that the mavic is a great drone that is really a blast to fly and the portability is really amazing... but I ended up trading mine for a phantom 4 pro and have been really happy I did.
If you're worried about Map pilot I can tell you that the DJI GS PRO app will control your mavic perfectly without issue, however since it keeps the drone facing 1 way the entire flight the gimbal inconsistencies are exaggerated so be sure to calibrate your gimbal on a completely level surface before mapping flights. If you haven't already purchased a mavic I'd like to give you some thinking points...
First you said the battery life is what attracts you however in real flight time I was getting about 18 minutes of flight down to 20% which is about the same I get with my inspire 1 with the x3 camera and a tb48 battery so you might be slightly disappointed.
Second for the price of a new mavic you can buy a used phantom 4 pro and have a great mapping drone with longer flight times than an inspire or mavic, 20MP images, a mechanical shutter and the ability to use 5.8ghz Wi-Fi frequency if 2.4ghz has to much interference.

Besides that the mavic is a great drone that is really a blast to fly and the portability is really amazing... but I ended up trading mine for a phantom 4 pro and have been really happy I did.
Agreed - the P4P has been a very useful drone for many pilots.
I have a Mavic already Thanks
If you have a Mavic but are wanting to cover longer flights on mapping work then the P4P is the right tool for the job as others have mentioned. Mechanical shutter alone makes a difference in accuracy before you even start looking at the ability to adjust aperture. Then we come to the 20mp 1" sensor. Flight time is good as is the positioning accuracy. If however, you've already got a Mavic you could always try a compatible piece of software and go fly a couple of test missions. Voila, all your questions will be answered.
Thanks U all after all your advice my best bet will be keep the Mavic for fun and worst case scenario invest in a few Tb48's to keep doing it with my Inspire, Have a nice weekend
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