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Mapping a woodland area -advice sought on gimbal pitch settings


New Member
Dec 14, 2024
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I have a task to do some mapping of a 6 hectare site which in 90% woodland. The terrain is flat.

I have done a fair bit of urban mapping but not woodland.
Looking a comments here, and elsewhere, people talk a lot in overlap and height but not gimbal pitch.
I use an Air2S and Drone Deploy software.
I was going to fly with an overlap of 80/80 at 90m
I understood it would be best to use -90 pitch but DD app keeps suggesting -65 pitch.

Interested in others views regarding pitch (as well as overlap and height) and any other advice gratefully appreciated.
UK here so foliage has dropped.
Client mainly after 2D ortho but would like 3d model if possible, but I have advised you won’t get much from trees.
I mapped a small wooded/marshy parcel a few weeks back with most leaves having dropped. I generally use Drone Pilot Pro (by Maps Made Easy) and usually fly with an 80/80 overlap. MME recommends a 90/90 overlap in heavily wooded areas and doesn't mention camera angle - but I decided to fly 80/80 with -90 degree camera angle only because no 3D model was required. I flew a back and forth pattern and not a crossing one at 200' AGL. While the 2D ortho turned out great, it seems all of the spindly complex branches caused a problem with obtaining a 3D image/model with no leaves present. Attached is the bizarre 3D model it rendered with my settings. Possibly 90/90 and a crossing pattern would have improved it.


  • bad model.jpg
    bad model.jpg
    683.1 KB · Views: 9
  • trees on site.png
    trees on site.png
    4.5 MB · Views: 9
I fly timber weekly and fly at 400 feet with a 70-80 overlap with a m3E. Get great results processing with pix4 fields. If all of the leaves have fallen, you will need to change flight patterns 45 degrees and change gimbal angle to 75 degrees
I fly timber weekly and fly at 400 feet with a 70-80 overlap with a m3E. Get great results processing with pix4 fields. If all of the leaves have fallen, you will need to change flight patterns 45 degrees and change gimbal angle to 75 degrees
So basically fly a crossing pattern, and then a second one rotated 45 degrees to the first?
Do the changes in shadows between the first flight pattern and the second flight pattern (both those cast onto the ground and those on the tree limbs) cause issues?

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