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National Parks

It is my understanding that unmanned Aircraft System (Drones) in State Parks. Drones are currently allowed. Also allowed in State Parks, State Beaches, State Historic Parks, State Recreational Areas, and State Vehicular Recreation Areas except where prohibited by a District Superintendent's posted order. Read more here >

Yosemite National Park advises visitors that the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) are prohibited within park boundaries due to regulations outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Specifically, the use of drones within the park boundaries is illegal under all circumstances.May 2, 2014. Read more here >

SAR? In Yosemite they feel the use of drones also interferes with emergency rescue operations and can cause confusion and distraction for rescue personnel and other parties involved in the rescue operation.

Additionally, drones can have negative impacts on wildlife nearby the area of use, especially sensitive nesting peregrine falcons on cliff walls, whereas climbers are part of that natural ecosystem and the sound of a rock drill is no more an interruption to the peace and tranquility of the valley than a falcons cry.

In Colorado flying drones in State Parks are forbidden. They are very strict about it. However, last last year I was in CA, (Encinitas), and wanted to fly the beach and Ocean. There was an SO deputy there so I asked him and he said they had no restrictions. I also checked NAS through Hover to make sure of any FAA restrictions and was able to fly. So, I think each state is going to be a little bit different. Can't fly in National Parks in Colorado either. I do agree that there should be a vehicle to allow certified 107 Pilots to fly in national parks though. Going to take a national collation to petition Fed Government to get it done though. Just my $.002 worth.

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