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Need direction for online training...


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Oct 7, 2022
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I recently obtained by FAA part 107 license this past April. I work for a company that specializes in leak detection. From roof leaks/water intrusion to pressurized water leaks beneath concrete floor slabs. I am currently piloting a Skydio 2+. I have tried out DroneDeploy and EagleView Assess. I am interested in furthering my knowledge and skills in regards to vertical facade type inspections. Do any of the experienced pilots here have any recommendations in regards to online courses? I'm currently eyeing Drone Launch Academy's Drone Mapping and Modeling Fundamentals/Pro courses. I was wondering if these courses are worth the investment?

I have repeatedly tried to contact the sales department at DroneDeploy in regards to an Enterprise account that would allow vertical flight/facade inspections with no success.

After some research I also realize the Skydio 2+ might not be the best tool for the job but before I make an additional investment I'd like to have a better understanding of my end goal (facade/roof inspections).

I'd appreciate any and all input and/or direction. Thank you for your time.
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum!

I use the Air 2s for general roof inspections. The one-inch sensor produces great images. If I ever go into need of thermal, I would purchase the Mavic 3 Enterprise T

Good luck with all your endeavors.
Welcome to the forum!
I really don’t think you need training for DroneDeploy. I’ve done vertical façades from one of my clients accounts and it was no issue first time.
Yeah that’s probably not the right Drone.
I can recommend a used MP2 that’s what I’ve used with DroneDeploy and it worked out great.
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Welcome and I’m a newbie also and hear you about these courses… all claim to be the best of the best, to part with you knowledge from the drone Gods themselves, only to take it and it’s 5 year old information with a few updated modules and it’s information that you could have easily gathered from YouTube… it’s not just drones courses either it every course! Anyone can offer them and ham them up to being sweet and informative but it’s just such a mixed bag of results. I recommend Google/DuckDuckGo “the course name with review” review Facebook reviews and most importantly read their guarantee policy, for that matter screenshot it.

Best of luck!
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