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Need help pricing my work.

I understand your point but I also recognize it’s better to be prepared than not. Where someone wants or can be is a personal thing and how they go about there business is up to them

I made a suggestion, which you call dogma, based upon experience and common sense. If someone wants to bet the bank on a single point of failure their risk is much greater than for someone that allows for contingencies.

Someone just starting out, that can’t afford a back up drone, camera, or whatever, is in all probability going to fail anyway as they will likely be under capitalized and unable to survive for the amount of time required to build a profitable business. Going that route works fine for a “hobby” business where it doesn’t matter if a profit is made.

I had a very good aerial photography business with one camera for years and then eventually added a back up camera. In fact, I started with no camera and rented a camera from my pilot, who did aerial photography as a part time business.

Successful businesses can and do start with nothing and can bootstrap their way to bigger and better things.

You are grossly exaggerating to say that someone is "betting the bank on a single point of failure." In the unlikely event there is a failure, that doesn't mean everything is over, and even that job that doesn't get done that day might be salvaged.
I think we can agree that in some things we will will not be in agreement. Not a condition all that uncommon. I agree we all make choices based on what will work best for the individual at any given point in time.
When I started getting serious about learning photography, there were no personal computers, no photoshop, no 30+ mp cameras, it was mostly 35 mm, and shoot from a plan while I was flying. You didn't take thirty pictures of the same thing hoping to get things right.
I didn't have two 35mm cameras, or multiple planes available to me. I have photographed the California coastline, the Sierra mountains. Aerial, you are right in my opinion, sometimes we have no choice but to start off small and with very little, and by doing so if one fails you haven't lost too much.
One thing about failure, the only true failure is those who don't try.

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