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Need Help! Waypoint Mission with Timed Holds for DJI Phantom 4 RTK?


New Member
Aug 22, 2024
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I’ve been really struggling to find a solution for this fairly niche request and thought I would reach out to anyone that might have had a similar mission requirement. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm using a DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone with a non SDK controller and need to set up missions with the following requirements:
  1. Waypoint-to-waypoint navigation at about 10 feet altitude
  2. Waypoints will be near each other (within 10-40 feet)
  3. Ability to stop at waypoints or set hold times (30-60 seconds)
Current setup and issues:
  • Phantom 4 RTK using the built-in tablet controller (non-SDK so limited software options)
  • Working exclusively on Mac and iOS (no immediate access to Windows, but can consider it if necessary)
  • Tried creating missions in Litchi and exporting as KML files
    • Litchi is the only app or program I've found that allows setting hold times at waypoints and exporting KML files
    • Litchi, as I understand it does not support RTK at this time
  • Imported the Litchi KML files to the drone controller, but the mission appears to chang drastically (and perhaps changes it to a corridor mission) or errors out when I try to generate flight plan: “flight route failed to generate. adjust waypoint positions”
  • Unsure if the hold times set in Litchi will transfer correctly in the KML file
    • Nothing i can see suggests that the waypoint actions came with the KML file and/or the P4 RTK controller is seeing the waypoint actions
I've tested many apps, including:
  • Litchi: Allows setting hold times at waypoints and KML export, but having issues with the export/import process
  • DJI GS Pro: Successfully built a waypoint mission with required hold times, but couldn't find a way to export a KML file from the iPad app or sync with the P4 RTK
  • Maps Made Easy: no way point actions I can find
  • Google Earth: no waypoint actions
  • Drone Deploy (for mission plan): no waypoint actions I can find
  • Pix4d: seems even for mission plan, a subscription is required
  1. Is there a Mac/iOS app or browser-based tool that can create KML files with hold times at waypoints?
  2. Is there a native DJI app for the Phantom 4 RTK controller (with built-in screen) that can accomplish this?
  3. Any other Mac/iOS solutions or workarounds for creating missions with timed holds at specific waypoints?
  4. If Windows-only solutions exist, what are they? (I can consider getting a Windows machine if necessary)
  5. Do waypoint actions export out with the KML file?

Summary: I need to create a mission and export it as a KML file to upload/import onto the controller for the Phantom 4 RTK. The main challenge is ensuring that the 30-60 second holds I set on the waypoints are correctly transferred in the KML file…Or find a way to do this in the P4 RTK android based - built in screen controller (non SDK controller.)
Look at Litchi
Thanks, but I did try that and ran into some issues. I’ve used it in the past for re-running the same dolly shots and it worked great. Getting the KML file out and functioning is the problem I’m having with it now.

  • Tried creating missions in Litchi and exporting as KML files
    • Litchi is the only app or program I've found that allows setting hold times at waypoints and exporting KML files
    • Litchi, as I understand it does not support RTK at this time
  • Imported the Litchi KML files to the drone controller, but the mission appears to chang drastically (and perhaps changes it to a corridor mission) or errors out when I try to generate flight plan: “flight route failed to generate. adjust waypoint positions”
  • Unsure if the hold times set in Litchi will transfer correctly in the KML file
    • Nothing i can see suggests that the waypoint actions came with the KML file and/or the P4 RTK controller is seeing the waypoint actions
10 feet AGL may be your first issue, flying that close to the ground may trigger the bottom flow sensor. I know Dronedeploy won't let you program a flight that low, and Litchi may have AGL min on way point flights. I have used Litchi for years, but never program a fight at that low altitude. From reading the parameters of what you are doing (10 feet AGL , way points 40 feet apart) you may just need to do this manually, unless you plan a flight that has the drone fly higher to each way point then descend to 10 feet, hold for the amount of time then return to flight AGL 50 feet or so until the next way point.
Thanks for the feedback, and apologies for the delayed response—I foolishly posted this just before traveling.

The use case was to mark specific areas during a survey, then create waypoints for those spots. During construction, when the land is disturbed for grading and building, the drone could hover over the waypoints for close reference (equipped with lasers to mark the ground). This was a request from a client. However, at this point, it seems like a re-survey might be the better option.
For earthwork, we just re-fly the same site as often as necessary. I rarely allow clients to dictate any sort of operational task. Just tell me what they need and we'll build an efficient workflow.

Flying super-low, and lasers on your P4P, that sounds interesting.
For earthwork, we just re-fly the same site as often as necessary. I rarely allow clients to dictate any sort of operational task. Just tell me what they need and we'll build an efficient workflow.

Flying super-low, and lasers on your P4P, that sounds interesting.
Do I read this right? You try to dictate to the client how often and for what duration you think they need to collect data? I would agree that they don't need to direct mission configuration or how the data gets to their interface but timing and lifecycle is 100% at their discretion. I would be happy to make a recommendation but that's where it should end.

Have you worked in Civil contracting?

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