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Needed - Organized sUAV, Drone Organization - Membership drive, United Voice

That was another place and time, and I didn’t realize you recognized the linkage.

Be that as it may, i don’t have the complete picture as it had yet to finalize before I retired. But I have enough of it to know we are seeing only the first shots of a battle we are certain to lose as a divided population. There were too many one on one and group meetings not to have developed a clear understanding of the path going forward, all to the benefit of mega corporate interests.

I was in a pretty serious situation where my employer and private drone use was concerned. Everything I wanted or needed to do with drones o my own time was a massive conflict of interest on the professional side. That internal conflict was part of why I retired. Only mistake was I should have got my knees fixed while I still had corporate insurance...
It would be good to chat again some day, Pat. When we talked on the phone, it was more about the gig you were helping to recruit for.

Back on topic.

I reposted my quick start crowd fund scheme on the board with Chuck. He thought it was a good idea, of course with the caveat of would enough of us be "in".

In the various boards I follow, (I"m a 'never Facebooker') there is definitely concern. But no where near enough by a long shot to make something like this work. Even if there were 100 that would commit for every 1 that posts, there would realistically be nowhere near enough.

The # of part 107 holders is supposed to be in the 150k range. Recreational in the 1mil range. You would think it was important enough that 4.3% would be willing to commit. But right now, I have my doubts. How would we reach out to present the question. I doubt AMA is going to broadcast this or let their contact list be used.

I guess we just might have to watch as Rome burns, so to speak. I really think that all of our individual comments will hit the round file with a thud.
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I'd concur... the numbers are certainly there even with low precipitation. You used a lower projection than I was figuring and still probably hard to hit. I was thinking 10% @ $125 and have since concluded after reading other forums it's just not an interest to the vast majority.

I'm a bit stunned 1) there hasn't already developed a organized membership... Pat & I have exhausted that over time, 2) Interest to organize a new vs jumping into a established organization is practically nil. The level of what is desired, high expectations for individual needs and not the collective united impact. 3) No unity displayed within the society itself and 4) a disregard of the regulations or feeling it has any impact towards themselves.

From a different... maybe "dated" perspective; I can recall as a younger student of RC and building a gas heli 60 and venturing down to the RC Field the willingness of experienced flyers was amazing and I was happy to join the AMA and any organization to show my support for the hobby... patch, magazine, memberships, had no direct impact to myself in my limited perception but it was the other way... I was showing "my" support toward the established society.

Maybe it's the generation trends, not a lot of participation in several "membership due" organizations. Many established organizations have lost members over the last 10-20 years. Many are willing to sign-up on Internet based organizations for free services, information and assistance but will resist any "dues". The internet and forums have become a centralized communication "hub" and the need for an organized society is minimized. Their "needs" to ask questions, express, vent, debate are being met without joining or commitments.

Still find it confusing why a large User base society that contends directly with Federal, State & City Govt's finds no value in a unified voice and a small group of representatives willing to attend meetings and pursue & lobby for their organization.
To continue that ramble... With the current NPRM possibly drastically altering both the recreational and professional sUAV pilot operations; displays indications what non-represented committees can obtain prior to presentation, and the essentially helplessness to argue or modify. This should be a good example to the sUAV mass they need a stronger voice & representation.

But it falls on lack luster attention with little interest to understand... it'll all work out, no worries.
This indirectly also provides an insight to the powers of change they can pretty much walk what ever they desire through the system with little interference.

LOL... maybe we should model it after Cycle Clubs... that sure seems to work. Shall we invite the "Prospects".
You would think that the ownership of this family of user-boards, and others, would be a bit more concerned and willing to pop this issue up to the top. It could easily be a death sentence for their platform as well and so far they merrily do nothing. Kind of strange. Maybe they really just don't get it yet?
You would think that the ownership of this family of user-boards, and others, would be a bit more concerned and willing to pop this issue up to the top. It could easily be a death sentence for their platform as well and so far they merrily do nothing. Kind of strange. Maybe they really just don't get it yet?
I'd agree... I posted this across several forums. The reaction on a few was zip... I assumed by the construct & presentation that it would rally attention and get several joining that it needs to be spread... but again practically zip.

Most questioned why or what value it served them. Or it would have to be "reviewed' prior to contributing any membership dues.

Actually the NPRM has received similar reaction... granted they're two separate issues with a common juncture.
But the reaction to the NPRM has been interesting... and I'm amused how the majority don't feel it effects them since nothing previous has effected them. If they need to continue what they're doing, regardless of new regulations... so be it, no problem, it's not enforceable is the general perception I've noticed.
But the reaction to the NPRM has been interesting... and I'm amused how the majority don't feel it effects them since nothing previous has effected them. If they need to continue what they're doing, regardless of new regulations... so be it, no problem, it's not enforceable is the general perception I've noticed.

Yes, seeing that reaction a lot.
Bruce Simpson is going to use his platform to make a group comment to the NPRM. It couldn't hurt. Check it out here:

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After examining & reading various sites... the AOPA Drone Chapter may be the strongest advocate, 2nd would be AUVSI.
Has their officials taken any position on the current NPRM? Were they invited or attended the construct sessions?

Does the AUVSI get that involved, I'm rather naive on it's offerings... assumed it was more focused on company & new technology offerings... but feel I may have made a poor assessment.
AUVSI is about the large UAS operations, think General Atomics or Boeing, not small operators. Been a member and saw nothing in our interest.
As it now stands I agree. But if the drone population was to suddenly join the AOPA the membership would suddenly be skewed 3 or 4 to 1 in favor of drones, forcing a shift in focus due to the probable loss in revenue if they didn’t shift.

The AOPA, like general aviation, is dying a slow death from loss of members and participants. The Light Sport class of aircraft and Basic Med came into being through the actions of AOPA, an organization looking for a way to rebuild/expand the pilot population and by extension the AOPA membership. For the same reason they created drone based membership. It’s all about the money, and always will be.
"The AOPA, like general aviation, is dying a slow death from loss of members and participants " You sure about that?
Bruce Simpson is going to use his platform to make a group comment to the NPRM. It couldn't hurt. Check it out here:
That was a good video and I'd be very supportive in Bruce collecting a list to proxy. The more collective voices, the better.
Hopefully he can accumulate 1000 or more.

Greg Reverdiau - PIlot Institute has also indicated he's planning to write as a collective voice too.

I'm hoping several manufactures, 3rd party businesses also express loudly too.
I must say, as a pilot, I see no signs that GA is "dying."
Oshkosh gets larger every year.(2018 Attendance- Approximately 601,000, nearly two percent above of 2017’s record total)

There was a downtrend in Private Pilots certificates issued in the US until 2016, but the trend has reversed, along with student pilots certificates. Not sure I would refer to GA as dying.


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I look at long term (since 1990) trends. A sudden uptick in certificate numbers is not enough to convince me there is a sudden resurgence in general aviation interest.

It’s kind of like GoPro stock. If it miraculously increased $1.00/share on Monday there’s just nothing there to convince me to invest in it. I’d short it though.
I look at long term (since 1990) trends. A sudden uptick in certificate numbers is not enough to convince me there is a sudden resurgence in general aviation interest.

It’s kind of like GoPro stock. If it miraculously increased $1.00/share on Monday there’s just nothing there to convince me to invest in it. I’d short it though.
I respect your opinion, I just don't see any decline in GA.
I would prefer that it was not in decline. G.A. was a very big part of my life, and created opportunities that could never have happened without G.A.
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