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Oct 20, 2020
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HI folks,

I'm with Advanced Aircraft Company (www.advancedaircraftcompany.com), a new manufacturer of the Hybrid Advanced Multi Rotor (HAMR) drone that boasts specs like 2-3 hour flight times and 5 pound payloads. We're 100% made in America, veteran owned, and entered production in autumn of this year. Ahead of launch we are looking for beta customers to be early testers of our product and are offering aggressive pricing to minimize the financial barrier to entry by providing feedback, good and bad. Here's a video of our drone in action and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.



  • AAC HAMR Specs_Commercial 2020 07 13.pdf
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If you're interested in having it tested in an academic research context, with student pilots as well as me (with Part 107 Certified), with a primary focus on mapping large areas for ecological research, and comparing to the processes/challenges/time frame that we currently have to use with our Phantom 4 Adv............I'd love to be a tester. Will put this thread on 'Watch' so that any responses come to my work e-mail and I could then reply to you from there.
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Howdy folks,

My name is Benjamin Fenigsohn, I'm the SVP of Business Development for Advanced Aircraft Company. We manufacture the Hybrid Advanced Multi Rotor (HAMR) drone. We represent the next phase in part-107 compliant UASs: veteran-owned, 100% made in America, and can carry four pound for two hours of flight time for our beta program.

Howdy Benjamin!
As a big Iron Man fan, I'm not too sure about "HammerTech." But as a retired Naval Officer and an even bigger fan of 'Made in America,' I'd like to help. I don't see much use for the HAMR in my Real Estate photography business, but as a member of our local Police Department's Citizens' Advisory Team, let me tell you a little story. I live in Charlottesville. When the neo-nazis/white supremacists came to town a while back (you may have heard...), the State Police had a manned helo overhead - I think it was a Bell 407 single turbine. They hovered over the fracas all day and did an OK job (the murder footage, car vs. protesters, was captured by a local commercial drone), then they left at the end of the day, flew ten miles and crashed, killing two pilot-officers. It was a very bad day. I spoke with the top Law Enforcement leadership after that incident and told them I'd be happy to volunteer my RPIC services, as would others, in order to save money (Jet A is expensive. So are helicopters...) and possibly lives, in the future. I was surprised how unimpressed by drone tech they were. Although, living among Naval Aviators much of my adult life, I shouldn't have been surprised. Manned pilots love their jobs too. Nevertheless, the HAMR answers a huge issue for 1st responders, which is flight time. Two HAMRs could have replaced that Bell 407, and with big screens, more eyes could have been watching the crowds. The Bell hovered at over 500 feet. The HAMR could get in closer for facial recognition. If a 2nd crowd formed 15 minutes after the first HAMR was on station, the 2nd HAMR could be launched to cover the new crowd - a manned helo can't do that.

I would LOVE to beta test your UA. I don't fly BVLOS and I don't break the FARs. Ever. Safety is my middle name. I'd really like the chance to sell this concept to first responders. Our fire dept started using UAs after they couldn't get firefighters on a rooftop for lack of data. But 20-30 minutes isn't enough loiter time for most of their missions.

Regardless of whether I'm chosen to test, BEST OF LUCK with this project! Oorah HAMR drone!
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I'm starting a fifteen mile pipeline project in November using an Inspire 2. This is a three year project with a combination of mapping and video.. Need high resolution images of entire route prior to start of construction, during construction, and post.

I would be very interested in testing a drone that isn't made in China. I would like a little more information of your drones capabilities, flight time, photo and video capabilities.
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WHoo rahh there, Kory here from Sunny NE FL. Retired Navy in 2006. Just started my veteran owned small biz in FEB (ya good timing). I also work at the Kings bay Naval Base, we take care of the USCG boats that escort those big black tubes out to Sea. I did a community project a couple of months ago and was it a pain. My DJI p4p didn't like the restricted area that the NAVY has set up in our area. I had to submit all the way to DC to get permission to fly, and did some software modifications. So, it would be nice to try out a new NON-DJI drone that is Merican made. I would like to possibly get some gov contract work, but as we know Chinese made drones are going to be banned from Gov work so these could possible fit the bill. I also have summited a bid on a 200 acre industrial project I could use this drone to check out. What are the applications that come with this model. Autonomous flight, mapping, inspection, FLIR....
Looking forward to hearing how things work out with your new ventures...
Mr. Fenigsohn, I am the Deputy Program Manager for Unmanned Aircraft with the Civil Air Patrol at Maxwell AFB, AL. We would be very interested in evaluating the HAMR's capabilites in support of our SAR, disaster recovery, and direct support to civil authorities missions. We are particularly interested in developing a capability to employ LIDAR, IR, hyperspectral imagery, and persistent radio relay in support of FEMA, our primary customer.

We have over 200 experienced Part-107 pilots in all 50 states capable of conducting test flights in all weather extremes.

We would enjoy talking with you to find out how we may provide you with the test results you need.

Semper Vigilans -- Always Vigilant
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Without posting my entire resume, I would like the chance to try out the drone. I am a Firefighter, Police Communications Officer and a Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Technician. I have been trying to start a countywide drone program in southeast PA for 2 years. Equipment cost is what is holding us up. Get me through my website.
Howdy folks,

My name is Benjamin Fenigsohn, I'm the SVP of Business Development for Advanced Aircraft Company. We manufacture the Hybrid Advanced Multi Rotor (HAMR) drone. We represent the next phase in part-107 compliant UASs: veteran-owned, 100% made in America, and can carry four pound for two hours of flight time for our beta program. This is NOT your average drone.

We are an investor-funded startup with the sole purpose of disrupting the drone industry. Our CEO is a former Marine artillery officer and NASA aerospace engineer.

To that end we are looking for commercial part-107 compliant drone pilots to enroll in our beta program, test our design, and provide feedback. Take it out on a job, compare it with what you're used to, and tell us everything - good and bad.

Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? Let me know directly or in this thread as well as questions or comments you may have. I've included a spec sheet to get started and don't forget to check out some flight action below! *MUST BE USA BASED*

Video of our drone in action:

I'm happy to help and test your new drone. I do small missions for Real Estate, Marketing, Construction. If that's appropriate to your needs reach out.
Without posting my entire resume, I would like the chance to try out the drone. I am a Firefighter, Police Communications Officer and a Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Technician. I have been trying to start a countywide drone program in southeast PA for 2 years. Equipment cost is what is holding us up. Get me through my website.
Hi, can you DM me your email address? I would like to learn more about your background.
If you're interested in having it tested in an academic research context, with student pilots as well as me (with Part 107 Certified), with a primary focus on mapping large areas for ecological research, and comparing to the processes/challenges/time frame that we currently have to use with our Phantom 4 Adv............I'd love to be a tester. Will put this thread on 'Watch' so that any responses come to my work e-mail and I could then reply to you from there.
Hi, can you DM me your email address? I would like to learn a little bit more about your background.
I'm starting a fifteen mile pipeline project in November using an Inspire 2. This is a three year project with a combination of mapping and video.. Need high resolution images of entire route prior to start of construction, during construction, and post.

I would be very interested in testing a drone that isn't made in China. I would like a little more information of your drones capabilities, flight time, photo and video capabilities.
Hi, can you DM me your email address? I'd like to learn more about your pipeline mission.
Howdy folks,

My name is Benjamin Fenigsohn, I'm the SVP of Business Development for Advanced Aircraft Company. We manufacture the Hybrid Advanced Multi Rotor (HAMR) drone. We represent the next phase in part-107 compliant UASs: veteran-owned, 100% made in America, and can carry four pound for two hours of flight time for our beta program. This is NOT your average drone.

We are an investor-funded startup with the sole purpose of disrupting the drone industry. Our CEO is a former Marine artillery officer and NASA aerospace engineer.

To that end we are looking for commercial part-107 compliant drone pilots to enroll in our beta program, test our design, and provide feedback. Take it out on a job, compare it with what you're used to, and tell us everything - good and bad.

Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? Let me know directly or in this thread as well as questions or comments you may have. I've included a spec sheet to get started and don't forget to check out some flight action below! *MUST BE USA BASED*

Video of our drone in action:

Sign me up - Can't wait
Howdy folks,

My name is Benjamin Fenigsohn, I'm the SVP of Business Development for Advanced Aircraft Company. We manufacture the Hybrid Advanced Multi Rotor (HAMR) drone. We represent the next phase in part-107 compliant UASs: veteran-owned, 100% made in America, and can carry four pound for two hours of flight time for our beta program. This is NOT your average drone.

We are an investor-funded startup with the sole purpose of disrupting the drone industry. Our CEO is a former Marine artillery officer and NASA aerospace engineer.

To that end we are looking for commercial part-107 compliant drone pilots to enroll in our beta program, test our design, and provide feedback. Take it out on a job, compare it with what you're used to, and tell us everything - good and bad.

Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? Let me know directly or in this thread as well as questions or comments you may have. I've included a spec sheet to get started and don't forget to check out some flight action below! *MUST BE USA BASED*

Video of our drone in action:

I am the VDC manager for a Central Texas contractor who self-performs all phases of construction. We currently operate an in-house drone program as well as provide drone services to external parties. We cover all phases of drone operations including surveying, civil engineering, excavation logistics, inspections, BIM integration and GPS machine control monitoring. I'm also a very experienced beta tester currently working with two drone software developers, one hardware manufacturer and multiple construction technology vendors. If you want a broad spectrum of testing across multiple markets we're available.
Mr. Fenigsohn, I am the Deputy Program Manager for Unmanned Aircraft with the Civil Air Patrol at Maxwell AFB, AL. We would be very interested in evaluating the HAMR's capabilites in support of our SAR, disaster recovery, and direct support to civil authorities missions. We are particularly interested in developing a capability to employ LIDAR, IR, hyperspectral imagery, and persistent radio relay in support of FEMA, our primary customer.

We have over 200 experienced Part-107 pilots in all 50 states capable of conducting test flights in all weather extremes.

We would enjoy talking with you to find out how we may provide you with the test results you need.

Semper Vigilans -- Always Vigilant
Roger, do you have time to set up a call this week to find out how we can work together?
Mr. Fenigsohn, I am the Deputy Program Manager for Unmanned Aircraft with the Civil Air Patrol at Maxwell AFB, AL. We would be very interested in evaluating the HAMR's capabilites in support of our SAR, disaster recovery, and direct support to civil authorities missions. We are particularly interested in developing a capability to employ LIDAR, IR, hyperspectral imagery, and persistent radio relay in support of FEMA, our primary customer.

We have over 200 experienced Part-107 pilots in all 50 states capable of conducting test flights in all weather extremes.

We would enjoy talking with you to find out how we may provide you with the test results you need.

Semper Vigilans -- Always Vigilant
Hi Roger, are you still interested in the Beta Customer Program with Advanced Aircraft Company?

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